Pachian Theories

We may not be able to explain it, but there is no denying the outcome of the genetic testing. The matching DNA sequences are high, and the relevant defining markers of all the specimens provided are undeniable. We are the same species.  
— Extract from 'A Study of the Genetic Material Gathered on Expeditions to the Secondary Planets of the P'Ache Solar System Specifically Related to the Verisimilitude of Statements of Kinship Between Species Identified'
circa -300 PT



When the Primians first made contact with P'Ache Minor (and later P'Ache Major and eventually P'Ache Micro) they were shocked to find that the Minorans looked so much like them. They had different behaviours and attitudes, but they were far from the round blue people they had been expecting. Their language also had a lot of similarities.  

Area of Contention

After testing the genetic material of the Minorans, the Majorans and the Macrans, the Primians were dismayed to discover that they were all part of the same species. They had no known shared connection or history but it seemed too much for this to all be a coincidence. After several decades of research the Primians released an official statement.

The Official Statement

After investing large amounts of time, resource and energy into investigating the question of a potential shared heritage between Primians, Majorans, Minorans and Macrans we have reached the following conclusions:
  1. While there is certainly a genetic connection between the people of the P'Ache System, we are no closer to discovering the source of this connection than we were when we started this investigation.
  2. There are more important things that we can be spending our time, resources and energy on which will be of greater benefit to everyone.
We are therefore announcing that we will no longer be researching this area, and the word Pachian may be used to refer to a person from any of the planets in the P'Ache system.
— Primian Command
  The statement was met with a fair amount of frustration, incredulity and hostility. While some accepted it at its word, others refused to believe that Primian Command had stopped researching entirely, unless they knew something everyone else didn't...  

Reasons For Conspiracy Theories

The combination of the official statement and the uncertainty which was already running rampant on most of the planets, led to a wide-spread feeling of fear and anxiety across all of the ethnicities. Out of this fear, arose several different theories and ideas which people clung to in order to explain what they had not managed to so far.   Some of these theories were based on the idea that Primian Command had already worked this out and was not telling people for diabolical or mysterious reasons. Others were more focused on the mystery itself rather than the potential cover-up.

The Creator Theory

This is one of the three major theories which is most popular across the star system. This particular theory has led to several small religious movements, most of which are no longer active.  




The Creator Theory states that the P'Ache star system was populated by a single creator. It theorises that a deity, higher power or technologically advanced species visited the system and left the same species on each planet.


  • Explains why everyone has a shared DNA and shared base language
  • Explains why there is only one base language and alphabet on all the planets
  • Doesn't require proof, just a belief that it's possible


  • No evidence has been found to back it up (although some say that lack of evidence is proof in itself)

The Emergency Theory

This is one of the three major theories which is most popular across the star system. It is particularly popular on P'Ache Major who have such a strong admiration for technological advancements.  




There are some variations of this theory, but for the most part, the Emergency Theory states that in the distant past, a starship was passing through the star system and had to have an emergency evacuation. People from this starship landed on each of the four planets and were stranded there.


  • Allows for life outside of the star system
  • Acknowledges the possibility of technology more advanced than them


  • There's no evidence of ancient escape pods or similar technology on any of the planets

The Prime Theory

This is one of the three major theories which is most popular across the star system. This is by far the most popular one on P'Ache Prime, but is less accepted on other planets. This is also the one which was most investigated by Prime Command and the one there is the least evidence for.




The Prime Theory states that P'Ache Prime is the birthplace of all life. The theory goes that at some point in the far past, an ancient Primian civilisation achieved space travel and populated the other planets.


  • The Primians like it because it puts them at the centre of the story


  • There's no evidence of ancient space shuttles or similar technology on any of the planets
  • There's no clear reason for an advanced species to have populated other planets and then to have lost touch with them

Minor Theories


Experiment Theory

This builds off the back of the Creator Theory, which suggests the reason for populating the star system in this way was part of an experiment into the development of species in different planetary environments with different struggles.

Explosive Theory

The Explosive Theory is seen as outlandish by most and states that there was once an explosion on a star which had the beginnings of Pachian life on it. This explosion formed the planets and each of the peoples evolved on their planets. The rest is a coincidence.

Major Theory

Major Theory is similar to Prime Theory but it states that P'Ache Major was in fact the birthplace of all life, and the reason for an evacuation was an explosion which gave everyone amnesia, so no one remembered their kin had left.

Minor Theory

Similar to Major and Prime Theory, Minor Theory states that everyone started on P'Ache Minor, but the act of leaving the planet caused an interference in the planet's atmosphere which meant they could never return and can be seen in the Minoran Nights.

Micro Theory

Micro Theory is the least popular of the planetary theories, but perhaps one of the more interesting. It states that a giant bird was looking to lay its eggs on one of the four planets. It laid one on each planet, but decided on P'Ache Micro. It was from these eggs that Pachians were born.

Writer Theory

The Writer Theory is the least popular of all, and is really only discussed by drunk philosophy students. It suggests that Pachians are actually the figment of a very lazy writer's imagination, which is why everyone is so similar. No one really believes this, but it's a good pub conversation starter.

Related Articles

Culture Primian, Majoran, Macran, Minoran
Planets P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Major, P'Ache Minor, P'Ache Micro
Territories Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Solar System
Conspiracy Theories
Focus of Theory
Related People
Primian, Majoran, Minoran, Macran


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Jun 12, 2024 21:46 by Rin Garnett

This is such a cool article. I love that each planet has its own version of "no no, WE were first!" Must have caused quite the stir when they learned they were the same species.

Jun 14, 2024 16:55 by Elspeth

Thank you! It definitely did. The Primians lead the way as usual, whether everyone else wanted them to or not! XD

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