Primian Ro G'Ga Character in P'Ache | World Anvil

Primian Ro G'Ga

Primian Ro G'Ga

"If we listen to them, they might be able to teach us something."
— Primian Ro G'Ga on working with the Macrans
c. -59 PT

Personal History

-90 PT
  -62 PT
Given ownership of mission to P'Ache Micro
  -59 PT
Primians make contact with Macrans
  -58 PT
Infected with Tyro Trouble
  -57 PT
Sight impaired
  -56 PT
  -56 PT
Returned to P'Ache Prime
  -17 PT
Born on 12 Three -90 PT to a highly respected family in Upper Prime on P'Ache Prime, Ro was a hard worker from a very young age. He proved himself time and again. By the time he was in his late twenties he had been given permission to plan the first engagement mission to P'Ache Micro, with the aim of making contact with Macrans for the first time.   On 3 Seven -59 PT, Ro was the first Primian to set foot on P'Ache Micro and the first offworlder to meet a Macran. The engagement and encounters were taken slowly, with Ro taking a radical new approach which involved listening and learning from the natives, rather than setting boundaries straight away.   Part of this included participating in Macran traditions. It is thought that it was during a Mudwalk with his Macran hosts, that he was infected by Tyro Trouble. He was the first of the Primian ground crew to catch the illness, and he tried to ignore the symptoms, writing them off as stress.   Within a year, it became clear what it was, and Macrans who had grown to like Ro tried to help him. But it was too late and the Primians didn't trust them, thinking they caused the disease. He started losing his sight in -57 PT and by -56 PT he was blind. Despite this, he fought to continue working with the Macrans, having built several strong relationships. However, by this point, the Primian's trust in the Macrans was at rock bottom and they returned with Ro back to P'Ache Prime.   During a thorough debriefing, it became clear that the illness had affected his speech which was written off as a form of madness. As a result, all of the reports he had written that were singing the praises of the Macrans were discarded at the thoughts of an insane person. His ability to verbally communicate went downhill and within a few years of his return, his family had sequestered him in a family home outside of the city. He lived here for the rest of his life until he died aged 73.


Ro was an empathetic and positive person, determined to see the best in people. He believed that everyone had something of value to teach him, even if they weren't aware of it, and lived to learn. He was dedicated to expanding his horizons in terms of his understanding of people. He struggled to understand his father and subconsciously sought to better understand him through his interactions with other people.   He had a fairly strong idea of right and wrong, but acknowledged that people are fallible and therefore a bad act didn't make a bad person. He held himself to a high moral standard but did not expect others to do the same.  

Impact of Tyro Trouble

One of the most debilitating aspects of his illness was his loss of sight because it made engaging in that learning so much more difficult. That it stole his ability to communicate verbally was a secondary but also devastating part of it, as it made connecting with people that much more difficult.   Despite these physical changes, Ro refused to allow it to take away his optimism and sense of hope. He remained until the end, dedicated to learning, even if he needed to become more inventive in how he did that.

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Culture Pachian, Primian, Macran
Locations P'Ache Prime, Upper Prime, P'Ache Solar System, P'Ache Micro
Date of Birth
12 Three -90 PT
Date of Death
14 Nine -17 PT
90 BT 17 BT 73 years old
Upper Prime, P'Ache Prime
Place of Death
Teras, P'Ache Prime
He / Him
Curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8in


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Jul 2, 2024 12:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Nooooo, my heart. ;_; All his good work, written off as insanity.

Jul 3, 2024 19:02 by Elspeth

I think part of it was that they didn't want to hear it either. Poor Ro.