
"Every spoonful of Ressure can make its own Rantis"
— Peacekeeper saying meaning 'Don't waste things and you'll always have enough'


Ressure is the generic term for a powder which is created by grinding together ure moss which is found in the caves beneath the surface of P'Ache Major. It is famous across the Peacekeeper Alliance for being the primary ingredient in Rantis, a popular affordable sweet treat.  



In order to prepare ressure for use in any number of dishes, the moss is harvested from the caves and placed into drying boxes - metal boxes which are kept warm but not heated - with large weights placed on top of it. The liquid from this process is collected and stored. Once it is fully dried, the moss is ground down until it forms a fine powder.  


The ure moss is a naturally high source of protein, and when turned into ressure, expands quickly when combined with liquid, making it an ideal ingredient for those on a very tight budget.   As well as rantis, ressure is used in the following ways:
  • soft pudding
  • sweetner in savoury dishes
  • bulk out stews and soups

Rantis Recipe

Combine a spoonful of ressure with half as much water and mix together until it forms a dough. Mould the dough into bite-sized pieces and bake on low for 20 minutes.   Flavourings and colours can be added to the dough or after baking, depending on the desired effect.

Cultural Significance

Ressure is a traditional Majoran ingredient which has since been replicated by the Peacekeeper Efficiency and has become used across all of the Peacekeeper Territories.   True Majorans know that this replicated version does not come close to the real thing. Traditional ressure is made using at least two different types of ure moss, and which of these types is used depends on where on the planet the moss was gathered from. Different combinations create different textures, flavours and consistencies. When used to create rantis, some combinations have a more pleasing mouthfeel than others, and other combinations are certainly an acquired taste. Historically, the type of ressure you used to make your rantis said a lot about where on P'Ache Major you were from. However, the synthetic alternative is so popular now that only true connoisseurs take the time to notice and appreciate the difference.

Related Articles

Culture Peacekeeper, Majoran, Pachian, Foods and Delicacies From Across the Territories
Locations P'Ache Major, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Items Rantis
Examples of different types of Rantis
Item type
Related ethnicities
5g per tsp


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Aug 30, 2024 14:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What a fun little article. I love that the synthetic version is just not quite as good as the real thing. Also, MOSS.

Aug 30, 2024 19:14 by Elspeth

Thank you! XD <3

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