Sweet Vale

Sweet Vale is famous for being the main ingredient in the cure for Weeping Warts. This was discovered by accident on the south coast of Vellikka, when a hungover Provider added it to the vegetable stock they were making for their sick friend. They noticed their mistake but presumed no harm would come from it, and were then amazed as their friend began to recover from the disease which had killed so many of their village. It is said to have a slightly bitter taste when added to stock, but the medicinal powers of the flower and the roots of this plant are invaluable to the Vellich.

Basic Information


A plant made of thin green vines like veins, with round dark green leaves and small pale blue flowers, which grow pink as they age.

Genetics and Reproduction

The flowers are pollenated by the creatures and insects who live on these cliffs rubbing against the flowers as they move past.

Ecology and Habitats

Sweet Vale is a plant which is common on the cliff sides around the coasts of Vellikka. It clings to the rocks, growing in and out of crevices, absorbing both the sunlight and the salt from the sea air. It's roots bury themselves into the rock, seeking nutrients from the ocean waves left behind in the cracks.

Biological Cycle

The flowers are blue in the spring and summer, but in the autumn they turn pink and fall from the cliffs caught on the wind in waves, floating down the coastline. These pink flowers contain the seeds of the plant and when they settle they latch on to the cliffs and start to grow anew.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sweet Vale are only found on coastlines, and are most common around the southern coast.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 14, 2023 19:27 by Deleyna Marr

Love the story of its discovery! Eh, probably won't hurt...

Aug 14, 2023 20:31 by Elspeth

Thank you!

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