The Sweet Vale Winds Physical / Metaphysical Law in P'Ache | World Anvil

The Sweet Vale Winds

The Sweet Vale Winds were historically seen as a sign of the Spirits and their blessing, and some still see it that way. In Kolesta and Stron, on either sides of Laykan Bay in the south, they see it as a sign from the Spirits that they are ready for Spirit Offerings.   Others believe the cloud contains healing properties, due to the healing properties of Sweet Vale when boiled in stock which is known to cure Weeping Warts. It is thought that just the scent of the Sweet Vale Winds can help to refuel the body and the soul.    While travelling around Vellikka isn't common for the Vellich, every year, in the autumn, people from nearby villages and towns make the journey to experience it for themselves. There are drawings of the phenomenon held by the Story Vault, and some have been circulated across the world.


Once a year, when the East wind blows across the southern coast of Vellikka, it catches the blooms of the Sweet Vale plant that latches onto the cliffs and creates an ethereal cloud of pink. The flowers carry with them a distinct sweet scent which fills the air and can be smelled over a mile inland.


The Sweet Vale Winds are localised to the southern coast because that's where the Sweet Vales grow.


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