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History of the Kezlar Humans

  • 2012 Omega

    6 /6 20:00

    Mysterious Nuclear Attack on The planet Kezlar
    Disaster / Destruction

    A catastrophic event occurs on the planet Kezlar, resulting in a devastating nuclear attack. Only a small number of humans manage to survive the aftermath.

  • 2077 Omega

    23 /6
    2513 Omega

    11 /4

    Humanity's Recuperation

    Mankind begins the arduous process of recuperation from the nuclear attack. They strive to rebuild their society and regain their strength.

  • 2589 Omega

    25 /8 04:00
    2592 Omega

    1 /1

    Invasion and Enslavement by Chromasion Aliens
    Military action

    The Chromasion aliens invade Earth and subjugate humanity, forcing them into a state of slavery under their rule.

    Planet Kezlar
  • 2593 Omega

    2669 Omega

    Expansion of Mankind

    Chromasion spread Humans across various planets, seeking for more productivity in their empire. Some humans escape to different free territories.

  • 2670 Omega

    1 /3
    2744 Omega

    17 /11

    The Vons War
    Military: War

    The Von family emerged as a formidable force, boldly challenging the oppressive might of the Chromasions and showcasing their unwavering strength in the face of alien domination. It's first human planet that successfully rebelled and conquered a planet belonging to the Chromasion Empire. The planet's name is Hark.

  • 2874 Omega

    14 /7
    2888 Omega

    2 /2

    Rebellion against Von Rule

    Growing discontent with the Von dictatorship leads to a rebellion among the people, as they seek to overthrow their oppressive rulers.

  • 2888 Omega

    Birth of Gold Von
    Life, Birth

    Gold Von, a significant figure in the conflict, is born during this year.

  • 2910 Omega

    6 /8
    2923 Omega

    1 /11

    The Gold Wars and Conquest
    Military: War

    Gold becomes the new leader by force and has series of battles against the Chromasion Empire, who've underestimate her.

  • 2918 Omega

    6 /5

    1st Super Human
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Discovery of Super Weapon - Gold discovers a mysterious super weapon on the planet Hark which the Chromasions have failed to find. Gold utilizes it to annihilate the Chromasion forces. She becomes the first being to fuse her body with an item and to become a living weapon.

  • 2923 Omega

    1 /3

    Supernatural Blast
    Disaster / Destruction

    Chromasion Trickery and Gold's Disappearance - The Chromasions capture Gold, using trickery to exploit her weakness and obtain the super weapon. During the capture, a massive explosion occurs, causing Gold to disappear. Planet Hark is retaken by Chromasions.

  • 4076 Omega

    4 /2

    Birth of Nova
    Life, Birth

    Nova, a significant character in later events, is born during this year.

    Planet Avena
  • 4089 Omega

    9 /9

    Failed Coup Attempt of Avena

    Kael Valor, an individual attempting to overthrow the regime on the planet Avena, fails in their coup attempt.

    Planet Avena
  • 4094 Omega

    7 /7

    Formation of the Star Shadows

    Nova and Cleo create a pirate crew known as the Star Shadows, embarking on adventures and shaping their destiny.