Brotherhood of Seldarine


Isolationism. A strong preference for seclusion from the outside world, focusing on internal affairs and maintaining the purity of their magical and natural heritage.
Deep Environmental Connection. A profound respect for nature, where the forest is not just a resource but a living entity that is part of their community and identity.
Magical Stewardship. Emphasizing the responsibility of using magic to protect and preserve their land, rather than for conquest or external affairs.
Mysticism and Tradition. Rich traditions centered around the worship and reverence of nature spirits and the magical entities that inhabit their forest.
Elven Heritage. A deep-rooted sense of pride in their elven heritage, emphasizing purity of lineage and a connection to their ancestral origins.

Public Agenda

Preservation of the Forest. Ensuring the protection and health of their magical forest, which is considered both a national treasure and a living member of their society.
Defensive Posture. Maintaining a strong defensive capability to protect against external threats while avoiding offensive engagements unless absolutely necessary.
Controlled Interaction. Managing very limited interaction with outsiders to prevent corruption of their culture and environment.
Magical Research and Development. Focusing on the development of magic that enhances their ability to protect their lands and people, particularly through natural and defensive magics.


Magical Forest. The forest itself is a significant asset, capable of defending its borders and influencing the region through its intrinsic magical properties.
Magical Beasts and Guardians. The magical creatures that protect each town and city, which are powerful both as symbols and as practical defenders.
Ancient Knowledge. Extensive knowledge of ancient magic and the natural world, preserved through generations and embedded in their way of life.
Elven Artisans and Craftsmen. Skilled in crafting magical artifacts and items that are both beautiful and powerful.
Strategic Isolation. Their geographical and strategic isolation serves as an asset, making it difficult for external forces to exert influence or launch an invasion.

We Are The Nature

Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories


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