Realmward College

College was founded by Dalyor the Pillar of Sun, legendary and ancient king of elves that is remembered for his importants in artifact creations as during his reign, most artifacts were created.

Purpose / Function

Preservation of Ancient Knowledge. Realmward College acts as a bastion for the preservation and continuation of ancient elven lore, history, magic, and culture. It houses vast libraries and archives that contain scrolls, tomes, and artifacts dating back thousands of years, safeguarding the intellectual heritage of the elven people. 
Research & Innovation in Magic and Arcane Arts. The college is a leading center for the study and advancement of magic and arcane arts. Scholars and mages work together to delve deeper into the mysteries of magic, exploring new spells, enchantments, and the interplay between different magical realms. This research not only enhances magical practices but also aims at understanding the fabric of reality itself. 
Training Elite Scholars. Realmward College is dedicated to educating and training the future leaders, scholars, diplomats, and guardians of elven society. Students are taught not only magic and lore but also the importance of leadership, ethics, and stewardship of nature and magical resources. 
Protection of the Material Plane. Central to its mission is the protection of the material plane from threats posed by malevolent entities and destructive forces. The university trains warriors, mages, and scholars to identify, study, and neutralize potential threats from otherworldly creatures and alignments. 


Treebound Structures. The main buildings of Realmward College are grown inside gigantic, ancient trees. These trees are shaped over centuries by masterful elven magic that guides their growth without harming their vitality. The interiors are spacious with high ceilings supported by intricate branches that weave together to form natural archways. The outer bark of these trees forms a protective layer that insulates the interiors from weather and external threats. 
Canopy Classrooms and Laboratories. Higher up, amidst the vast canopy of leaves and branches, are the classrooms and laboratories. These are designed with transparent magical barriers instead of walls, providing unobstructed views of the forest and sky, enhancing the inspiration for magical and scholarly pursuits. Platforms and bridges connecting these spaces are composed of vines and branches, which gently sway, reminding all of their connection to the living world.
Root Tunnels and Underground Chambers. The network of roots of these great trees is enchanted to form stable tunnels and chambers. These subterranean areas serve as archives, storing ancient artifacts and scrolls in a naturally controlled climate, safe from the elements and time.

Bioluminescent Glows. The college is never dark; bioluminescent fungi and magical lights gently illuminate the pathways and interiors. The lights are responsive, glowing brighter as someone approaches and dimming in their absence, creating a pulsating rhythm that mimics the heartbeat of the forest.
Water and Wind Harmonics. Streams and waterfalls are integrated into the architecture, with the flow of water magically controlled to fill the ambient with soothing sounds. Similarly, the college harnesses the wind, using its pathways through the branches to create soft, melodious tones that resonate through the air, aiding in meditation and relaxation. 
Sentient Flora. Some of the flora within and around the college are sentient, capable of interacting with students and faculty, providing assistance or company. These plants might offer healing herbs to an injured student or whisper ancient secrets to those who know how to listen.

Elven Carvings and Frescoes. The walls inside the tree structures are adorned with carvings and frescoes that depict the history of elvenkind, their deities, their interaction with other races, and scenes from the natural world. These artworks are alive with magic, subtly moving and changing with the seasons or the viewer’s perspective.
Crystal and Glass Artworks. Throughout the college, delicate works of crystal and glass float gently in the air, kept aloft by soft magical currents. These sculptures capture and refract natural light, casting colorful patterns during the day and glowing from within during the night.
Gardens and Groves. Integrated within and around the college are various themed gardens and groves, each dedicated to different aspects of nature such as healing, meditation, culinary, and poisonous plants. These gardens are both functional and aesthetic, providing resources for classes and beauty to behold.


The Founding Ceremony

Over 22,000 years ago, the greatest elven mages and scholars came together to establish Realmward College. This event was marked by a grand ceremony where the first trees were enchanted to grow into living classrooms and libraries, setting the foundational ethos of harmony with nature.

The Great Pact of Elders

Several millennia after its founding, leaders from various magical races convened at Realmward College to form a pact, ensuring mutual protection and sharing of knowledge. This pact greatly expanded the influence and resources of the college.

The Invasion of the Shadow Horde

A dark army once attempted to invade the college, targeting it due to its vast knowledge and power. Shadow Horde are dark fallen elves that live on different continent named Penthyr.

The Discovery of the Arcane Well

Scholars at Realmward College discovered a natural well of arcane energy deep within its roots. This well has since provided a significant boost to the potency of magic practiced and taught at the college.  

The Cataclysm of Broken Spires

A massive magical experiment went awry, causing several ancient trees to shatter and nearly destroying a portion of the college. The recovery and rebuilding efforts led to significant technological and magical innovations in construction and energy harnessing.

The Assembly of Planar Bridges

Realmward College constructed several portals that allowed for easier access to various planes of existence. This greatly enhanced inter-dimensional studies and solidified the college’s role as a center for planar research. The library now contains one-way Gate to almost every Outer-Plane.

The Night of Falling Stars

A rare celestial event that enhanced magical abilities college-wide. It was marked by a night where meteors showered in the skies above, each meteorite carrying rare magical ores. These materials were used to craft artifacts of great power. Some of these materials were recorded and these recipies were stored in the ancient vaults.

The Treaty of Snakes

This was a diplomatic summit held at the college to resolved a centuries old conflict between elves and yuan-ti during their reign on the continent.


College is closed to any visitors except those who are invited. Anyone can get an invitation from a member of college or its declared friend.
-Classrooms in Realmward College
-Underground archives and vaults
-Halls in Realmward College lighted by fungi
-Elven Carvings and Frecoes
-Crystal and Glass Artworks
Founding Date
-22 434 DR
Alternative Names
Eldenroot, Eldergrove, Eversong, Mythralore
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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