Burning Spiders


ItemPriceRequired Reputation
Deepstone Crystal 75 gp 1
Blindsight Brew 120 gp 2
Darkshade Cloak 300 gp 3
Fungus Torch 15 gp 1
Zephyrblade Dagger 500 gp 5
Deep Echo Whistle 100 gp 2
Maddening Spore Sack 250 gp 5
Umbral Ink 50 gp 2
Chamelion Chain 500 gp 8

Deepstone Crystal

A rare, luminescent crystal harvested from the deepest caverns of the Underdark. It emits a soft, eerie blue glow.
In-game Abilities
  • Can be used as a light source equivalent to a torch but emits dim light in a 10-foot radius. Lasts for 8 hours before dimming.
  • Creatures without darkvision don't see this light at all.

Blindsight Brew

A thick, murky potion made from the eyes of cave creatures.
In-game Abilities
  • Grants the drinker blindsight up to a range of 30 feet for 1 hour. However the drinker can't see further than 60 feet during this effect.

Darkshade Cloak

A dark, almost intangible cloak spun from the silk of shadow spiders.
In-game Abilities
  • Grants advantage on Stealth checks made in dim light or darkness.

Fungus Torch

A bioluminescent fungus affixed to a stick, which can be used as a torch.
In-game Abilities
  • Provides bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Resistant to water and non-magical wind.

Zephyrblade Dagger

A dagger with a blade as black as the night, forged from a rare Underdark metal.
In-game Abilities
  • On a successful hit, the target takes an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.

Deep Echo Whistle

A small bone whistle that emits a sound beyond normal hearing range. In-game Abilities
  • Can be used to communicate with or call creatures that have tremorsense within a 1-mile radius.

Maddening Spore Sack

A sealed bag containing dangerous spores from Underdark fungi.
In-game Abilities
  • Can be thrown as an action. All creatures within a 10-foot radius must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become confused (as per the "Confusion" spell) for 1 minute.

Umbral Ink

An ink made from rare Underdark materials, appearing almost like liquid shadow.
In-game Abilities
  • Can be used to craft messages or tattoos that are invisible in normal light but become visible under moonlight.

Chameleon Chain

A chain necklace embedded with an Underdark gem that shifts colors.
In-game Abilities
  • Allows the wearer to cast the "Disguise Self" spell once per day, lasting for 1 hour.


Master of Routes

The chief leader responsible for overseeing all operations, ensuring smooth communication between different parts of the organization, and making final decisions.  

Veil Council

Senior members responsible for various facets of the organization. Their title reflects the secretive and clandestine nature of their operations.
Whispering Wayfarer
Oversees smuggling routes and ensures the safety and secrecy of transported goods.  
Silent Hand
Heads thievery and heists, ensuring targets are scouted, planned, and executed without a hitch.  
Shade Broker
Responsible for gathering and trading information, both within Fatharik and from the Underdark.  
Ghosted Guardian
In charge of security and defense of the organization's hideouts, assets, and members.  

Shadow Couriers

The agile smugglers moving goods in and out of the Underdark, skilled at navigating its treacherous routes.  

Webburner Thieves

Expert thieves specializing in various forms of larceny, from pickpocketing to grand heists.  

Mist Informants

Spies and informers scattered throughout Fatharik and even in the Underdark, always listening, always watching.  

Ashen Enforcers

The muscle of the organization, ensuring that debts are paid, territories are respected, and threats are dealt with swiftly.  


New recruits, still proving themselves, but burning with the zeal of the organization's principles.


The Silkless Den
 Located deep within Fatharik's Undercity, this expansive lair is a maze of rooms, chambers, and secret passages. Unlike typical Drow aesthetics, its walls and ceilings are meticulously cleared of any spiderweb motifs or decorations.
 Serving as the main headquarters for the Burning Spiders, it's where planning, operations, and meetings take place. Its concealed entrances and guarded perimeters ensure that members can operate in secrecy.
Webless Ways
 A series of secret tunnels and passages that span not only within Fatharik but also stretch to various parts of the Underdark.
 These routes allow the Burning Spiders to move goods discreetly, evading city officials and rival gangs. Knowledge of these ways is closely guarded and shared only among trusted members.
The Shadow Stash
 Hidden vaults scattered throughout the city and its underground. Their exact locations are known to a select few.
 The stashes hold stolen treasures, contraband from the Underdark, and supplies vital to their operations. The decentralized nature of these stashes means that even if one is discovered, the loss is minimized.
The Loom's End Tavern
 A seemingly regular tavern located in the heart of Fatharik's bustling market. However, it has secret chambers below and is often used as a front for smuggling operations.
 Aside from serving as a legitimate business and source of income, it acts as a neutral ground for making deals, gathering information, and liaising with contacts from the Underdark and the city above.
Spider's Bane Fleet
A collection of carts and carriages that appear ordinary on the outside. However, they are equipped with hidden compartments and some are enchanted with illusions to deter inspections.
This fleet facilitates the smuggling operations of the Burning Spiders, allowing them to transport goods in and out of Fatharik without arousing suspicion. The enchantments and modifications ensure that even if stopped, their illegal cargo remains undetected.


Founding and Early Years - 150 years ago

The origin of the Burning Spiders can be traced back to a small faction of male drow who grew disillusioned with Lolth's oppressive matriarchy. While many of these drow were initially isolated in their resentment, their shared experiences eventually brought them together. They formed an underground society and named themselves the Burning Spiders, symbolizing their rejection of Lolth by "burning away" her web of control.   The First Great Heist - 135 years ago Gaining notoriety in their early years, the Burning Spiders executed a daring raid on a prominent drow matriarch's treasure vault in the Underdark. This event solidified their reputation as master thieves, and the wealth they acquired funded their operations for years.

Migration to Fatharik - 120 years ago

Facing increasing persecution in the Underdark, the Burning Spiders sought a new base of operations. They discovered Fatharik and saw the potential of the city's Undercity. Moving their operations there, they began building the Silkless Den and establishing their secret routes, known as the Webless Ways.  

Rise to Power - 100 to 60 years ago

Over the decades, the Burning Spiders expanded their activities. They started establishing contacts with various factions within Fatharik. Their smuggling operations flourished, and they quickly became one of the most influential organizations in the city.

From Shadows We Rise, Unbound and Unseen

- Deepstone Crystal
- Zephyrblade Dagger
- Maddening Spore Sack
- Darkshade Cloak
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang


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