

Around 30% of population are Fire Genasi around the world, others are adventurers, merchants, dwarves and a lot of spellcasters. This city is like stop between entering Fire Plane from this part of the continent.


Fatharik is run as absolute rule of Qadi's. That means whatever Qadi says its true. Qadi is also considered a judge so any statement he makes is automatically law, except if it contradicts rule of anyone higher than Qadi himself, for example Emperor, Vezir or Amir.


Fatharik has large sandstoe walls build around it and from one side Efreeti Mountains. Because of their presence near Harpy Valley they also have massive amount of archers and other defensive mechanisms to defend against harpy attacks.

Industry & Trade

Fatharik produces and exports rare ores and minerals from deeper parts of Efreeti Mountains alongside with materials from Fire Plane.


City is split into 5 large parts.  

Outer District

This is smallest district of all. It is around 50 houses stationed outside of city walls, where stables are for travelers and small inn. This is the cheapest part of town and sometimes is used by travelers if city gates are closed.  

Inner District

Inner District serves as the location for most common folk to live inside city walls. Most shops, merchants and events are happening here. This is the part of the city where citizens go to work and spent the most time.    

Noble District

This part of city is inside its own walls with much higher security and only high ranking army members and nobleman can enter this part. This part of city is dedicated for large mansions and special transportations and meetings between nobility.  

Mountain/Fire District

Mountain, alias Fire District is most distant part of town as it is in Efreeti Mountains but still considered part of this city. It is inhibited only by those who passed Trial of Fire - mostly adventurers, Efreeti and Fire Genasi.  


Darkest part of the city which belongs to gangs and isn't really following and laws, but still it is considered part of Fatharik.

Guilds and Factions

The Ember Brotherhood Burning Spiders The Breathers    Further north under Efreeti Mountains is hive of Dakhmir

Points of interest

The Ember Citadel

Rising high in the Noble District, the Ember Citadel is the residence of the Qadi. Constructed using enchanted fire-resistant sandstone, it is said to be ever-glowing, resembling a torch in the night. 
Contains an extensive library about the Fire Plane and Djinn lore, meeting chambers for the city's officials, and the Qadi's judgment hall.  

Ashen Alcove

A mysterious and sacred spot in the Undercity. It is believed that the Ashen Alcove is the site of an ancient portal to the Fire Plane that predates the main portal in the Efreeti Mountains. Though it remains dormant, it's a place of reverence and mystery.
Ancient carvings on the walls, some of which glow with an ethereal light. The alcove also acts as a sanctuary, a neutral ground where even the gangs respect the peace.  

The Searing Spire

Towering above the city's skyline in the Mountain/Fire District, it is a place of learning and training. It's said that within its walls, one can learn the secrets of fire and master its power.
Training areas where fire mages hone their skills, a sanctuary at the top where one can communicate with Fire Djinn for wisdom, and a dungeon below where elemental creatures are studied.    

The Phoenix Amphitheater

Located in the Inner District, it's an open-air venue with a stage crafted to resemble a phoenix in flight. The amphitheater hosts various performances, from traditional Fire Genasi dances to epic tales of adventures in the Fire Plane.
The main stage has enchanted flames that can be manipulated by performers for dramatic effect. An underground chamber below the stage holds props and costumes, some rumored to be enchanted or of historical significance.  

Lava Pools of Luminescence

Scattered throughout the Mountain/Fire District, these pools are natural formations where lava meets specific minerals, causing them to glow in an array of mesmerizing colors.
Certain pools are believed to have healing or rejuvenating properties. Many travelers and adventurers seek them out, not just for their beauty, but for the rumored benefits of bathing in them.  

The Sunforged Anvil

Nestled in the heart of the Inner District, this legendary blacksmith shop is run by a master Fire Genasi smith. It is said that weapons and armor forged here contain a fragment of the Efreeti Mountains' essence. 
Aside from its top-tier weaponry, the shop holds demonstrations and classes on smithing. Its forge is believed to be powered by a captured fire elemental, making the metalwork from this anvil particularly potent.  

The Blazing Hearth

Known for its warm and comforting meals, The Blazing Hearth specializes in hearty stews and roasts, all cooked using the warmth of its ever-burning fireplace.
Visual Description 
A two-story, timber-framed building with amber-tinted windows that always seem to glow, especially during dusk. Its chimney constantly emits a gentle smoke, and inside, a large, ornate fireplace dominates the main hall. 
Rumor has it that the fireplace was enchanted by a Fire Genasi mage who wanted to ensure the inn's warmth would never wane. It's also said that those who rest near the fireplace have particularly vivid dreams.

Efreeti's Embrance

This inn prides itself on offering spa-like treatments using minerals and waters sourced directly from the Efreeti Mountains.
Visual Description
A sprawling, opulent inn built with smooth sandstone, decorated with intricate mosaics of mountain landscapes and fire motifs. Tall archways lead to various chambers, each more luxurious than the last.
Beyond its luxurious accommodations, the inn is rumored to be owned by a descendant of the Efreeti themselves, and some say you might catch a glimpse of these mystical beings if you stay long enough.

Salamander's Rest

Apart from being a resting place, the inn offers guided tours to nearby locations where fire salamanders can be seen, making it a treat for nature enthusiasts.
Visual Description 
Built with dark reddish bricks, the inn resembles the terracotta hues of salamanders. Glowing lanterns hang by the entrance, and the inn's sign displays a beautifully painted, curling fire salamander.
It's said that the innkeeper keeps a domesticated fire salamander named "Sizzle," which can often be seen lounging by the fireplace, much to the delight of guests.    

Mystic Pyre Arcanum

  Name Origin 
The name "Mystic Pyre" draws inspiration from the fiery nature of Fatharik, suggesting a magical fire or source of power. "Arcanum" indicates a deep, mysterious secret or knowledge, representing the arcane treasures within. 
Mystic Pyre Arcanum is housed in a building with walls that seem to shimmer and shift, imitating the dance of flames. Its wooden door is carved with intricate runes that softly glow in a spectrum of fiery colors. Once inside, visitors are met with the soft aroma of burning incense and the gentle hum of enchanted objects. Shelves are lined with ornate bottles containing swirling potions, scrolls sealed with wax, and various arcane artifacts. A large, crystalline counter sits in the middle, behind which the shopkeeper conducts demonstrations or crafts custom spells. 
The shop is run by a seasoned Fire Genasi mage named Liora Emberveil. Born with a natural affinity for fire and magic, Liora traveled the realms to gather unique magical items and knowledge. After decades of exploration, she returned to Fatharik to set up Mystic Pyre Arcanum. The shop is not just a commercial endeavor; it's Liora's way of sharing the wonders she's encountered. Rumor has it that she possesses a rare artifact that can open temporary gateways to the Fire Plane, but she only reveals this to those she deems worthy.
Trivial Enchantment Provides one item with +1 to any ability check. 50gp
Weaker Enchantment Provides one item with +2 to any ability check. 100gp
Protective Enchantment Provides one item with +1 to any saving throw. 300gp
Stronger Protective Enchantment Provides one item with +2 to any saving throw. 1000gp
Transfer Enchantment Transfers enchantment from one item to another. 50% of enchantment price
Remove Enchantment Removes enchantment from one item. 25% of enchantment price

Verdant Flame Apothecary

Name Origin 
  "Verdant" suggests lush greenery, representing the natural herbal ingredients, while "Flame" nods to Fatharik's fiery nature, indicating the alchemical processes and fiery infusions. "Apothecary" speaks to the shop's primary function. 
Situated amidst the hustle and bustle of the Inner District, the Verdant Flame Apothecary is adorned with hanging plants, vines, and luminous flowers that seem to thrive in the warmth of Fatharik. The entrance is marked by a wooden sign, elegantly burned with the shop's emblem: a green leaf enveloped by an orange flame. Inside, the walls are lined with shelves filled with jars of dried herbs, vials of colorful liquids, and clay pots with living plants. The air is fragrant with a blend of fresh herbs and smoky undertones. A polished wooden counter sits to the side, where customers can request custom mixtures or ask for advice. 
The shop is tended by Sylas Greenfire, a middle-aged dwarf with a passion for botany and alchemy. Born in the mountains near Fatharik, he was fascinated by the unique flora that thrived in the fiery environment. Over the years, he combined traditional herbalism with the fiery essence of the region, creating remedies and elixirs with a touch of Fatharik's magic. His shop, Verdant Flame Apothecary, is the culmination of his life's work and a hub for adventurers seeking natural remedies.  
Herb NameDescriptionPrice
Blaze Blossom Balm Balm that helps against heat. Provides resistance against fire up to 3 damage for 1 minute. 5 gp
Emberroot Potion Potion reducing fatigue. Restores 1 stamina point. If drank multiple times per day, causes exhaustion. 15 gp
Fireweed Tea Herbal tea that helps with nerves. When consumed, clears short-term madness. 15 gp
Pyropepper Powder A spicy powder, when thrown, creates blinding light and loud noise. Any creature within 5 feet ( 10 in enclosed spaces ) must make Wisdom saving throw ( DC 10 ) or be blinded and deafened for 1 turn. 30 gp
Lavastone Lotion When applied to feet or shoes, it allows them to walk on hot surfaces for as short time. You can walk on burning places or near lava for 1 minute after applying. 100 gp
Cinderleaf Wrap Normal bandage that provides extra 1 temporary hit point 2 sp
Flarefern Incense When burned, it keeps mundane insects away. 2 sp

Radiant Ember Adornments

  Name Origin 
"Radiant" denotes the shimmer and gleam of precious gems, while "Ember" signifies the fiery touch of Fatharik and the magical infusion from the Mystic Pyre Arcanum. "Adornments" points to the primary purpose of the store: to adorn its patrons with enchanted jewelry. 
A few doors down from Mystic Pyre Arcanum, Radiant Ember Adornments is an opulent establishment with large windows that showcase its glittering wares. The façade is adorned with golden motifs resembling swirling flames, cradling various gemstones. Inside, velvet-lined displays host an array of jewelry pieces, from delicate necklaces to intricate rings, each with its unique glow hinting at its magical properties. Soft, ethereal music plays in the background, enhancing the enchanting ambiance. Backstory 
Owned by the elegant elven jeweler, Laeloria Sunspark, the store has thrived through a unique collaboration. Laeloria designs and crafts the jewelry, while Liora Emberveil of Mystic Pyre Arcanum imbues them with arcane properties. The two met years ago during an expedition to the Fire Plane and found their skills to be complementary. Laeloria's expertise in working with gems found in Fatharik's region, combined with Liora's magical touch, results in pieces that are both visually stunning and magically beneficial.
Glowing Gem They sell glowing gems that can be embedded into any jewelry. These gems glow in darkness. 5 gp
Minor Warding Rings These rings can either keep drink always warm, always cold or ensure that one's attire remains always clean from sand and dirt. 15 gp
Mystical Locket This pendant can hold a tiny object and magically present it when the wearer whispers a command word. 50 gp
Guiding Bracelet A bracelet that can set a location and when wearer gently tugs it, it shows a direction to the location, provided that you are still in Fatharik. 15 gp
Enchanted Ear Cuffs Improves wearers hearing abilities. Provides +3 to perception checks based on hearing. 35 gp

Stonefire Brews & Elixirs

Name Origin 
"Stonefire" encapsulates the strong and enduring nature of the Goliath race with the fiery spirit of Fatharik. "Brews & Elixirs" indicates the establishment's dual expertise in both drinkable potions and alcoholic concoctions.   Description 
The entrance to Stonefire Brews & Elixirs is framed by robust stone pillars, reminiscent of mountainous terrain, with flame motifs engraved onto their surface. The interior of the shop is spacious, with high ceilings to accommodate its towering owner. Wooden barrels line one side, containing various brews, while the other side features shelves of potions, each labeled with careful precision. In the center, a large cauldron bubbles away, with the Goliath owner often seen stirring its contents.   Backstory 
Brom Stonefire, the Goliath alchemist and brewer, hails from a tribe that once resided in the high peaks near Fatharik. Drawn by the city's allure and the unique ingredients it offered, Brom decided to settle in Fatharik and open a shop. Combining his tribal brewing techniques with the city's alchemical practices, he quickly gained a reputation for producing potent drinks and effective potions.
Brew / ElixirDescriptionPrice
Magma Mead Gives a gentle warmth when consumed, perfect for cold nights. 3 sp
Goliath's Grit Elixir Provides one with goliath's strength and resolve. When you take non-magical slashing, piercing or bludgening within 1 minute of drinking this potion, you can use your reaction to take 5 less. 5 sp
Mountain Mist Ale Light, refreshing ale that captures the crisp of air of high altitudes. 3 sp
Stonefire Stout A rich, dark brew with hints of smoky flavor, brewed using a secreted ingredient. 2 sp
Peak Vision Drops Brew when applied to the eyes, grants clearer vision. When in dim light because of sand, it is still considered bright light. 5 sp
Elderflame Euphoria When you drink this, your carrying capacity for lifting, pushing or dragging is as if you were Large for 1 minute. 5 gp

Fort Skyward Vigil

Name Origin 
"Skyward Vigil" emphasizes the constant watchfulness the guards maintain against airborne threats, primarily the harpies that plague the city.
Rising above the inner district's buildings, Fort Skyward Vigil is a stout, multi-tiered structure, built with a fusion of the city's characteristic sandstone and reinforced with metallic elements. Its design is strategic: the fort features wide, open terraces that provide clear lines of sight into the skies, and high walls that offer protection from swooping attackers.   Large, ornate crossbow installations known as "Harpyslayers" are mounted on rotating platforms, allowing for a quick response in any direction. These installations are designed to launch a flurry of bolts at once, posing a significant threat to any flock of harpies daring enough to approach the city.   The terraces are dotted with braziers that burn with blue flames, serving a dual purpose. They provide light during the night and are rumored to deter harpies, as the creatures seem to be averse to the particular hue of the fire.   Inside, the fort is efficiently organized. It houses an armory stocked with a vast array of bows, arrows, and specially designed harpoon-like projectiles. There are also training grounds where guards practice their marksmanship and response times daily.  
Guard Protocols 
Earplug Mandate. Given the harpies' disorienting and sometimes enchanting vocalizations, each guard is mandated to have a set of earplugs on their person at all times. These are not ordinary earplugs; they are made of a special material that dampens the harpies' calls while still allowing the guards to hear other essential sounds, such as commands or approaching threats.
Rapid Response DrillsGuards undergo rigorous training to respond to harpy incursions. This includes the fast donning of earplugs, rapid weapon deployment, and coordinated firing drills. 
  Skyward Watch Shifts. At any given time, a significant portion of the guards stationed at the fort are on active lookout duty. This 24/7 vigilance ensures that any harpy movement near the city is spotted in its early stages.
Harpy Knowledge. Every guard undergoes a basic education about harpies - their habits, behavior, and weaknesses. This knowledge is critical in effectively repelling these winged adversaries. 
Fort Skyward Vigil was erected after a particularly devastating harpy attack nearly two centuries ago. The city's leaders recognized the need for a dedicated facility to oversee the defense against these airborne threats. Over the years, as harpy encounters became more frequent, the fort underwent several modifications and upgrades, becoming the bastion of defense it is today. Captain Thelar Dawnshield, a seasoned warrior with personal vendetta against the harpies, currently commands the fort. Under his leadership, Fort Skyward Vigil has seen a notable decrease in successful harpy incursions, solidifying its essential role in Fatharik's safety.  

Fort Whispering Veil

Name Origin 
"Whispering Veil" alludes to the subtle, secretive nature of the fort's operations, as they unveil any concealed truths.
Nestled discreetly to the side of the main city gate, Fort Whispering Veil appears as a humble, unassuming structure. Its sandstone façade blends seamlessly with the surrounding architecture, giving it the guise of a mere outpost or perhaps a supply depot. But the fort's true purpose is far more vital than its modest exterior suggests. At its entrance is a narrow corridor that every traveler unknowingly passes through. The corridor is lined with runes and faintly glowing crystals, which form the core of its detection system.
  Guard Protocols 
Veiled Inspections. As travelers pass through the corridor, the runes and crystals activate, sending out gentle arcane pulses that scan for any traces of magical disguise. The system is fine-tuned to detect even the slightest anomaly or breach in a disguise spell. 
Subtle Alarms. Should a disguise be detected, a discreet alarm is sent to the guards inside the fort, allowing them to swiftly and silently apprehend the suspect. This ensures that the operation remains covert and does not cause panic or discomfort among genuine travelers. 
Interrogation Chambers. Below the fort's ground level, several well-soundproofed chambers are designed for secure containment and interrogation of suspects. The rooms are equipped with dispelling circles to neutralize any magic that the suspect might use. 
Ongoing Research. A small team of mages is stationed at the fort, constantly studying and updating the detection methods to counter newer, more sophisticated disguise magics.
The establishment of Fort Whispering Veil was a direct response to an incident where a harpy, using powerful illusion magic, infiltrated Fatharik. This harpy wrought considerable chaos before being discovered and neutralized. Recognizing the potential threat of more such infiltrations, the city leaders, in consultation with Fatharik's mage guild, commissioned this secretive defensive mechanism. Commander Sylrae Moonshade, a cunning elven enchantress, currently oversees the operations at Fort Whispering Veil. Under her leadership, multiple potential threats have been thwarted, earning her and her team quiet commendation from the city's higher echelons. While the general populace remains unaware of the fort's true function, its existence is a silent testament to Fatharik's commitment to safeguarding its inhabitants.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City between Realms
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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