
In Common Fu'ngoa means sunset. 

This names comes from its behavior during sunset - the flower bends towards the center of sun, trying to get as much as possible before it disappears.


Material Characteristics

This bright yellow plant grows as a long stem which has at the end large bloom. 
This long stem is really flexible, it can bend up to 180 degrees in high wind. 
The bloom is hard as wood when it's growing. It can be of size as a plate. The bloom has several yellow petals that grows to sides, similar to sunflower. However, the middle is in bright yellow colors and when ready to harvest it grows slightly orange.

When you remove the bloom from the stem it starts turning red in the following week and it also gets way softer.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When you harvest it, the bloom starts getting hotter. After a week it's too hot for touching.

Geology & Geography

It naturally grows after rain season and farmers in Kara grows them on their fields.

Life & Expiration

After you harvest the bloom, you must wait on average one week before it gets red. Then you can use it for baking.
For each day after this initial week, it gets darker, turning black after another week. When it gets black, it's toxic and not edible.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Karians use this flower as their basic baking ingredient. As other races use, way more known grain. They make from Fu'ngoa modified version of bread as well as all their sweets because of it's slightly sweet taste.


Trade & Market

You can buy Fu'ngoa from almost every farmer or at town markets.
5 sp / 1 kg
Slightly sweet
Bright yellow
Related Locations


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