

The entire land is covered in thick forest with almost all of them being endemits.
Except the island's beaches the land is quite mountainous with large spikes reaching up to 2km in height.

The island is of circular shape and in the middle of island is large lake Si'ndril.

For anyone who never entered Kara it's lifetime experience. The island offers the best views possible in mortal's life. Hundreds of waterfalls, thousands of small fields where young Karians are working or wild horses running across the island.

Also almost every mountain is accessible without any need for better climbing skill making almost every mountain incredible view point to feel and see the beauty of Kara.

Ecosystem Cycles

Kara knows two seasons.
Summer they call Ila and Rain season they call Edo Sua.



Ila takes on average 2/3 of the year.
During Ila there is raining on average twice a month, with no heavy rain.

Animals are mostly centered on the middle of the island around the lake Si'ndril and around rivers.
Most lake and river predators have their best season, feeding as much as possible and have their mating period.

Land predators wait near rivers and lake, hidden on trees or bushes to attack prey that comes to lake for a drink.

Insect have their semi-hybernation period. They are trying their best to preserve, spend as less energy as possible on movement. Most insect spend Ila near the lake, feeding onto animals that came to drink the water.


Edo Sua

Edo Sua takes on average 1/3 of the year.
During Edo Sua there is raining on daily basis, these rains are very intense. They often cause flooding around the lake and rivers. However, these rains last only for several minutes.

Very rarely, on average once per season, there is large rain called Qua'sao, which changes the island for several weeks. Large part of the island is covered in water and just higher places are kept above water. All animals that can't live underwater are running to hills and mountains. This part of the year is considered the best for predators as most of the animals are on small area.
The Qua'sao lasts from few days to two weeks.

After few days when Qua'sao ends, the island is completely covered in thick blue mist called Asa ela. This mist allows to see only few meters, creating great opportunity for animals to run away from predators once again. This event is also time of year where island becomes completely invisible to outsiders as the blue mists seems like sea and you would have to travel few miles next to the island to even notice it.
The Asa Ela takes on average a week, at most a month.

Localized Phenomena

Island-wide powerful storm called Qua'sao
Island-wide blue mist called Asa ela 
Even when lake starts changing color, growing larger and starts glowing Enet al Elo-a-tasa

Fauna & Flora

Among these animals are:
  • Horse, has really long tail and can have bright hair
  • Red Tigers
  • Mosquito of handsize
  • Crocodiles with two heads
  • Dragon's snake - its poison is so deadly it can kill a dragon
There is also huge amount of endemit plants, among which are:
  • Gigantic tree that goes the same size underground as they go above
  • Purple-red fruit of water droplet shape thats hard as stone as must be eaten boiled
  • Yellow-blue blueberries that makes bubbles when eaten

Natural Resources

  • gold, silver, diamonds, Kael'at 
  • Kara's wood, tea
  • History

    Since the beginning of time, this land was ruled by elves.
    Elves claim that their ancestors were born during Sil'Anur 

    The elves were created smart and beautiful with powerful connection to their island.
    They started building villages and later small towns, all with strong connection to nature and animals living alongside with them.
    They've never attempted to hurt the nature or take more than needed.

      After their numbers became larger, they have split into smaller groups they later called Sashi.
    Each Sashi had a leader, called Asashi. This leader was responsible for all decision-making inside Sashi. All members of clan were fully devoted to his Asashi. Asashi was selected during this period from the most wise elves among them. Since then this position is inherited.

    When Sashi became too large to live in one village, they started to migrate and create their own villages and later towns.
    This was beginning for the current state where every clan has its own village / town. During this period there also begin few disputes among clans among the location where their clan will have its village.

    At the current state, there is 5 clans.
    1. Fe'sashi
    2. Kaz'sashi
    3. Pen'ero'sashi
    4. Luo'sashi
    5. Fu'sashi
    Alternative Name(s)
    Misty Island, The Moving Island
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