
Glacierheart, capital of the Spellward of Frostpeak Haven, is built around and partially within a magically preserved glacier. This feat of arcane engineering stands as a testament to Numerian magical prowess, maintaining a massive ice formation in a climate where it wouldn't naturally exist.  

Notable Features

  • The Eternal Glacier. A magically sustained ice formation at the city's core, preserved by powerful, ancient enchantments.
  • Frostflow Canals. A network of magically-regulated water channels for transportation and irrigation.
  • The Echoing Spires.Towers of enchanted ice and stone that amplify and direct magical energies throughout the city.
  • Underfrost Warren.An extensive network of tunnels and caverns beneath the glacier, housing various city functions.

Glacier's Existence

  1. Magical Preservation. The glacier serves as a massive magical focus, amplifying and storing arcane energies for the entire Spellward.
  2. Historical Significance. It's a relic from an ancient era of Heraklion of powerful ice mages, preserved as a testament to teaching about ice evocation magic.
  3. Climate Control. The glacier acts as a natural air conditioner for the region, allowing for unique ecosystems and magical phenomena.
  4. Resource Extraction. The magical ice contains rare, potent magical elements used in high-level enchantments and rituals.
  5. Defensive Advantage. The glacier provides a unique, malleable environment that can be shaped for defense in times of war.
  6. Political Symbol. Maintaining such a large magical construct demonstrates Numeria's magical supremacy to neighboring nations.


  • The Frost Veil. Magical barrier that can create instant ice walls
  • Cryomancer Brigade. Elite force of ice and cold manipulation specialists
  • Avalanche Ballistas. Siege weapons that launch magically enhanced ice projectiles

Industry & Trade

  • Export of magically preserved foods
  • Production and trade of cold-weather enchanted items
  • Ice wine brewing using magically cultivated grapes
  • Extraction and refinement of rare magical ice crystals


  • Magically heated roadways that prevent ice buildup
  • Crystalline aqueducts channeling water from the melting glacier
  • Arcane lift systems for vertical transportation within ice towers


  • The Frost Core. Central district built within the glacier itself
  • Rimespire Quarter. Residential area for nobility and high-ranking mages
  • Thaw Market. Main commercial district with heated plazas
  • Icemelt Harbor. Port district utilizing glacial meltwater


  • The Glacial Archive. Vast library with information magically preserved in ice
  • Frostfire Foundry. Facility for creating magical cold-resistant materials
  • The Rimeseer's Tower. Center for weather divination and control

Guilds and Factions

  • The Glacial Preservers. Mages responsible for maintaining the magical glacier
  • Frostforge Artificers. Crafters specializing in cold-enchanted items
  • Rimespeakers. Diplomatic corps trained in "ice singing" magic
  • The Thaw Merchants. Guild controlling trade in and out of the city

Points of interest

  • The Everfreeze Spire. Tallest ice tower, serving as a magical beacon
  • Whispering Ice Gardens. Park with magically shaped ice flora
  • The Cryomancer's Collegium. Premier school for ice and cold magic
  • Frostlight Caverns. Underground crystal caves with bioluminescent ice
15 square miles 
Alternative Name(s)
The Frozen Citadel
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under Glacierheart


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