Magister Freya Icebinder

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Freya Icebinder was born to a family of ice fishers in a small village near the Rimespire Range. From a young age, she displayed an uncanny ability to manipulate ice and cold, often using her powers to help her family's trade. At 12, her talents caught the attention of a traveling mage who brought her to Glacierheart for formal training.

As a student, Freya quickly excelled in cryomancy and weather manipulation. Her innovative approach to ice magic, combining traditional techniques with new theories, earned her rapid advancement. By her early 30s, she had become one of the leading researchers in sustainable ice enchantments. 

Freya's crowning achievement came when she developed a new method to reinforce the magical preservation of Glacierheart's central glacier, significantly reducing the power required to maintain it. This breakthrough not only secured the city's future but also freed up magical resources for other projects.

Her competence in both magical research and practical application led to her appointment as Magister of Glacierheart five years ago, a position she has held with distinction.
Year of Birth
279 41 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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