Grand Duchy Tierra Seca



  • Supreme ruler overseeing governance, resource management, and defense.
  • Ensures the sustainability of the duchy’s resources and the security of its inhabitants.
  • Leads diplomatic efforts with neighboring nations and entities.

Council of Stewards

  • Advises the Duke on matters of resource management, security, and technological advancements.
  • Develops policies to harness the unique properties of the wastelands.
  • Coordinates efforts for historical preservation and community support.

Regional Sheriffs

  • Maintain law and order in specific territories within Tierra Seca.
  • Enforce the Duke’s policies at the local level.
  • Lead local militias and ensure the safety of settlements.


Core Beliefs

  • Resilience and Resourcefulness: The people of Tierra Seca believe in the power of endurance and self-reliance in the face of constant magical and environmental hazards.
  • Survival Through Unity: There is a strong emphasis on community and mutual support, where survival is seen as a collective effort.
  • Respect for History: The legends of the Eurems family and the ancient dragon are integral to the cultural identity, serving both as warnings and symbols of hope.

Customs & Traditions

  • Tales of the Ancients: Storytelling is a crucial tradition, with frequent gatherings where elders recount the stories of the ancient Eurems family and the legendary dragon.
  • Resource Scavenging Rites: Rituals involving the scavenging of the wastelands for valuable resources and artifacts are common, often seen as both a necessity and a cultural practice.
  • Dragon Day: An annual festival where the people honor the ancient dragon, believed to be a guardian and a symbol of power, with offerings and celebrations.

Social Norms

  • Self-Sufficiency: Individuals are expected to be resourceful and capable of fending for themselves in the harsh environment.
  • Militarized Readiness: Given the constant threats, there is a strong norm of being prepared for conflict, with a significant portion of the population trained in combat and defense.

Festivals and Celebrations

  • Day of Resilience: A celebration of the community’s survival and endurance, marked by feasts, competitions, and storytelling.
  • Tales of Greed: A solemn day where the community reflects on the legend of the Eurems’ greed, with lessons on the dangers of overexploitation and the importance of sustainability.

Symbols & Totems

  • Dragon Emblem: The symbol of the ancient dragon, often used in heraldry and seen as a protector and a source of power.
  • Endless Hole: A mysterious pit considered a significant symbol, representing the unknown and the dangers lurking in the wastelands.
  • Scavenger’s Gear: Items like multi-tools and protective gear, symbolizing the resourcefulness and survival skills of the Gruelians.


  • Mineral Resources. Although the land has been largely depleted, there may still be found pockets of valuable minerals like mithril, silver, and small traces of gold. These resources represent a significant part of the wasteland's latent wealth.
  • Magical Artifacts. Given the area's historical richness in magic, various artifacts and remnants of ancient magical technology could still exist, buried or hidden. These are potentially powerful and highly valuable for trade or use.
  • Land and Ruins. The vast expanses of land, despite being desolate, hold strategic value. The ruins of once-great buildings and fortifications also represent a form of asset, potentially containing lost knowledge or resources.


21 SE: Founding. Originally a fertile and magically rich region, the land is officially recognized and named under the governance of the newly formed Republic.
45 SE: Discovery of Minerals. The Eurems family discovers vast mineral deposits and powerful magical sites, setting the stage for future exploitation.
70 SE: The Great Expansion. Large-scale mining operations and magical extractions begin, significantly boosting the region’s economy but also starting environmental degradation.
110 SE: The Legend of Greed. Tales begin to circulate of the Eurems' insatiable greed, which many believe is causing the land's deterioration. These stories later become a cautionary legend.
150 SE: Environmental Collapse. The extensive exploitation leads to noticeable environmental collapse; the greenlands begin turning into wastelands.
175 SE: Dragon's Arrival. An ancient dragon, attracted by the land's residual magic and chaos, makes its lair here, eventually controlling a growing number of undead forces.
200 SE: Magical Hazards Emerge. As the land deteriorates, spontaneous and dangerous magical hazards begin to occur regularly, making the area increasingly inhospitable.
225 SE: The Endless Hole's Discovery. Adventurers discover the Endless Hole in the center of the wastelands, a mysterious pit with unknown depths that attracts both fear and curiosity.
250 SE: Rise of the Undead Pirates. The river running through the wastelands becomes a pathway for undead pirates, believed to be souls journeying to the afterlife, enhancing the region's fearsome reputation.
300 SE: Isolation and Legend. By now, the Gruel Wastelands are largely avoided as possible. The Eurems family is rarely seen, becoming more myth than reality, and the region is left to the dragon, the undead, and outcast experiments roaming the landscape. 317 SE: Fall of The Republic. When the Republic fall apart, Gruel Wastelands renamed themself to Tierra Seca and became independent Grand Duchy.

In Ruin and Remnant, Power Lies Dormant

350 000 square miles 
450 000
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
The Ruined Enclave
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy

Capital City Secarral

The heart of Tierra Seca, Secarral is the political, economic, and cultural center of the duchy. Known for its rugged, fortified structures and bustling marketplaces, it is a hub where scavengers, artificers, and traders converge. Secarral houses the Duke’s seat of power, various guilds, and key governmental offices.

Mithral Mines

Located on the outskirts of the wastelands, these mines are rich in mithral, one of the few remaining valuable minerals in Tierra Seca. The mines are heavily guarded and operated by skilled kobold miners and earth genasi.    

Dragon's Lair

The lair of the ancient dragon that influences the region, it is a place of great mystery and danger. The lair is filled with magical anomalies and guarded by the dragon's undead minions.  

The Endless Hole

A mysterious and fearsome pit located in the center of the wastelands. Its depths are unknown, and it is surrounded by an aura of danger and magic. Adventurers often venture here in search of hidden treasures, though few return.
The Gritcoin is made from high-quality gold alloy. It depicts Duke Fernando Eurem and on the reverse side is dragon and wastelands.

Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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