
Hersirs are respected leaders in The North, typically governing large cities and their surrounding territories. They serve as a crucial link between the common folk and the higher nobility, answering directly to their Thane while managing local affairs with considerable autonomy.  


  • Authority to pass and enforce local laws (subject to Thane's approval)
  • Right to levy local taxes (within limits set by the Thane)
  • Ability to appoint city officials and guild leaders
  • Command over the city's defenses and militia

Symbols of Office

  • The Hersir's Axe. A ceremonial weapon symbolizing their authority to enforce laws
  • The City Key. A symbolic large key representing their governance of the city
  • A cloak bearing the city's colors and emblem


  • Governance of a major city and its adjacent lands
  • Maintenance of law and order within their jurisdiction
  • Collection of taxes and management of local resources
  • Command of the city guard and local militia
  • Representation of their city's interests to the Thane
Nobility, Household
Form of Address
Honored Hersir, Lord/Lady [Name] of [City]
Equates to
  • Mayor
  • Sheriff
  • Castellan
Length of Term
Lifetime, but can be removed for incompetence or treachery
Related Organizations


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