The North


The North was formed from northen part of old Numeria and joined to itself some parts of Cursed Mountains that are populated by wild barbaric tribes. Jarl Eirik Ragnvald managed to join together these tribes with civilized ex-numeria population and rules them as one nation.

Geographical Structure

  • Frostwilds are regions that are hardly controlled, they more or less work on tribal bases that cooperate with current Jarl. Each Frostwild has different organization structure if any, except cities in Frostwilds which are run by Hersirs. Some Hersirs even see this as punishment if they are given control over city in Frostwild as their power is rapidly lowered even with the same title.
  • Thanemdoms are way more like duchies. Thane is the leader of given Thanedom and given Thane has some subordinates like Hersirs.



  • Supreme leader of The North.
  • Oversees the governance and protection of the nation.
  • Makes key decisions regarding diplomacy, defense, and resource management.
  • Leads the council meetings and represents The North in external affairs.


  • Regional leaders overseeing specific territories within The North.
  • Responsible for the defense, law enforcement, and resource management of their regions.
  • Serve as advisors to the Jarl and participate in the council.
  • Maintain local militias and ensure the well-being of their people.


  • Commanders of the military forces in The North.
  • Lead the warriors in battle and oversee the training of the troops.
  • Responsible for the defense of key strategic locations and organizing patrols.
  • Report directly to the Thanes and the Jarl on military matters.


  • Keepers of history, lore, and traditions of The North.
  • Serve as advisors to the Jarl and Thanes on cultural and historical matters.
  • Perform as bards, storytellers, and historians, preserving the heritage of The North.
  • Conduct rituals and ceremonies to honor the gods and ancestors.


  • Spiritual leaders and priests of The North.
  • Conduct religious ceremonies, rites, and festivals.
  • Provide spiritual guidance and support to the people.
  • Maintain and protect sacred sites and places of worship.


Core Beliefs

  • Honor and Resilience: The Northerners value honor and resilience, believing that strength is forged through adversity.
  • Respect for Nature: Deep respect for the natural world, especially the harsh, untamed wilderness they inhabit.
  • Ancestral Reverence: Strong reverence for ancestors and the wisdom of past generations.
  • Community and Loyalty: Emphasis on loyalty to one's clan, family, and community

Customs & Tradition

  • Coming of Age: Young Northerners undergo challenging trial where they have to survive for a month in the mountains alone and hunt their own food and find shelter against the terrible cold.
  • Storytelling: Skalds perform epic tales and songs, preserving history and imparting moral lessons.

Social Norms

  • Hospitality. Offering a shelter and food to travelers and guests is a deeply ingrained custom.
  • Warrior Ethos: Physical strength, bravery in battle, and martial skills are highly esteemed.
  • Simple Living: Preference for practical, sturdy clothing and homes that can withstand the harsh climate.

Festivals and Celebrations

  • Winter Solstice: A major festival celebrating the return of longer days, marked by feasting, storytelling, and ritual bonfires.
  • Ancestor's Night: A night to honor and remember ancestors, with stories, offerings, and quiet reflection.

Symbols & Totems

  • Runes. Use of runes for protection, blessings and recording important events. They've accepted Dwarven alphabet.
  • Animal Totems: Animals like the wolf, bear, and raven are revered, believed to embody the spirit of The North.


Natural Resources

  • Silver and Gold. There are small deposits of silver and gold in the mountains which remained from Dwarves when they moved to southern part of the continent.
  • Iron. Rich iron deposits and other minerals in the mountains.
  • Timber. Ambudant timber from the dense forests.
  • Fur and Leather. High-quality furs and leathers from local wildlife.


  • Longhouses. Sturdy, communal longhouses built to withstand the harsh climate, serving as homes and community centers.


317 - Fall of the Republic

When in 317 the Republic fall apart and Numeria was one of the leading nations, rebels agreed that its time to follow what is happening and split Numeria back into separate nations with good relationships but different cultures.

Demography and Population

The North is a vast, harsh land characterized by its cold mountains, dense forests, and untamed wilderness. The population is distributed mainly in small, fortified settlements and communities clustered around vital resources and strategic locations. The overall population density is low due to the challenging living conditions.   Total Population: Circa 1.95 milion
Population Distribution
  • Hailgard ( Capital ) : 400.000
  • Frostholm Citadel: 300.000
  • Vinterwood Villages: 500.000
  • Skaldvar Mining Towns: 350.000
  • Rural and Nomadic Tribes: 400.000



Domains: War 
Symbol: Flaming Sword 
As a god of war, Tempus embodies the warrior ethos and the importance of strength and honor in battle. His followers in The North would seek his favor for protection and victory in their constant struggle against the harsh environment and external threats.

Other deities:

  • Tyr
  • Auril

Frozen Lands, Fierce Hearts


-Noble of The North

-Commoner of The North

-Guard of The North


  • The North
    The North is a harsh land of frigid mountains and dense forests, most northern kingdom on the continent.
254.826 square miles
1.95 milion
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Northern Numeria, The Savage North
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy


The capital city of The North, Hailgard, is the political and cultural heart of the nation. Located in a strategic valley protected by the surrounding snowy mountains, Hailgard is known for its sturdy longhouses, the grand council hall where the Jarl and Thanes meet, and its bustling marketplaces. It serves as the primary hub for trade and governance.  

Frostholm Citadel

An ancient fortress situated near the northern edge of The North, Frostholm Citadel stands as a testament to the nation’s defensive prowess. This heavily fortified structure serves as a military stronghold and a training ground for warriors. Its strategic location allows for the monitoring and defense against threats from the Cursed Mountains.  


A dense and sprawling forest located in the central region of The North. Vinterwood is rich in timber and home to a variety of wildlife, providing essential resources for the population. The forest is also dotted with sacred groves and ancient stone circles where the Gothi conduct rituals and ceremonies, making it a spiritual center as well.


The official currency of The North is the Frostcoin, a gold coin that is widely used for both day-to-day transactions and larger trade deals. The Frostcoin is minted with great care, reflecting the values and heritage of The North.


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