
Loimujoki, meaning "Flame River" in the old tongue, is a significant waterway that flows through the Thanedoms of Runesten and Bjornskog. Despite its fiery name, Loimujoki is known for its swift, icy waters that play a crucial role in the region's geography, economy, and culture.  

Unique Characteristics

  • The river's name comes from the unique phenomenon where the setting sun reflects off the water, giving it a flame-like appearance
  • Certain stretches of the river never freeze, even in the harshest winters, due to swift currents and possible magical influences
  • Bioluminescent algae in some parts of the river glow at night, creating a beautiful and eerie effect

Notable Locations

  • The Roaring Falls. A massive waterfall near the river's source, believed to have magical properties
  • Flameheart Gorge. A narrow canyon where the river's flame-like appearance is most pronounced

Fauna & Flora

  • Fire-scaled salmon. A unique species found only in Loimujoki, prized for both its taste and supposed magical properties
  • Ice otters. Playful creatures adapted to the river's cold waters
  • Flame-feathered ducks. Birds with striking red and orange plumage that nest along the riverbanks
Alternative Name(s)
Flame River
Owning Organization


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