Thanedom of Runesten


Runesten is a northern region of The North. It boasts access to both the sea and the rugged mountains, making it a strategic trade hub. The region is traversed by significant trade routes including the White Road, Storm Road, and Northern Trade Road, which connect it to various parts of The North and beyond. Its geographical position allows Runesten to benefit from both coastal and mountainous trade, enhancing its economic significance.

Unique Characteristics

Runesten is distinguished by its dual access to the sea and mountains, making it a vital trading region within The North. The presence of major trade routes through the region facilitates the flow of goods such as high-quality furs, magical materials, and fish, contributing to its prosperity. Additionally, Runesten's strategic location near the Endless Ocean and its significant rivers further enhance its importance as a bustling trade center. The region's varied terrain, from coastal areas to rugged highlands, supports a diverse range of economic activities and natural resources, solidifying its role as a vital and prosperous hub in the harsh northern lands.


Customs & Traditions

  • Mountain Hunts: Regularly organized hunts in the mountains to manage wildlife populations and gather resources like furs and magical materials.
  • Sea Blessing Festival: A festival held to honor the sea and ensure safe travels and bountiful catches for those who venture out from Isleif.

Festivals & Celebrations

  • Sea Blessing Festival: Held in Isleif to honor the sea gods and ensure safe travels and bountiful catches.

Unique Culturar Practices

  • Runic Tattoos: Many inhabitants of Runesten have runic tattoos that signify their family lineage, achievements, or protective spells.
  • Stone Circles: Sacred stone circles found in the forests, used for rituals and ceremonies by the Gothi. These sites are considered highly sacred and are protected by the community.


  • Furs and Leathers. The dense forests and rugged mountains of Runesten are home to a variety of wildlife, providing high-quality furs and leathers. These are highly sought after in other regions for their durability and warmth.
  • Magical Materials: Runesten receives loot from magical creatures that are hunt in the Frost Mountains in other regions and is the keypoint to distribution to southern nations.
  • Fishing and Maritime Trade: The coastal city of Isleif is a hub of activity with its bustling harbor. The sea provides an abundant supply of fish, which is a staple for both local consumption and export.

Frozen Resolve, Unyielding Hearth

Approximately 19,000 square miles
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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