


Predominantly Duergar. Small minorities of other dwarf subraces are present due to trade and historical reasons. 


Largely homogenous, main group being the Rama'kaz clan. Minor clans or families exists with their own customs and traditions.

Wealth Classes

  • Upper Class. The ruling elite, include high-ranking priests and old clans.
  • Middle Class: Skilled artisans, especially blacksmiths, craftmen and experienced warriors.
  • Lower Class: Laborers in Zurkhwood fields, miners and unskilled workers in the forges.


Most common professions are blacksmiths and weapon makers, which is also primary trade of Ramadun. Secondary most common profession are Zhurkwood craftmen and carpenters. Then follow miners, metalworkers, warriors who are important against Drow elf raids.


The government of Ramadun is a hierarchical system deeply intertwined with both the clan structure and the Duergar cultural norms. It's a blend of hereditary leadership and merit-based appointments, designed to ensure the stability and prosperity of the settlement within the challenging environment of the Underdark.  


Ruling Authority: The head of the Rama'kaz clan, currently High Priestess Sarkanet Rama, serves as the supreme ruler. Her authority is considered semi-divine, as she is believed to be chosen by Laduguer.

Council of Elders: Advising the High Priestess is a council comprised of elder members from prominent families within the clan. These individuals are typically respected warriors, master craftsmen, and high priests. 

Military Commander: A high-ranking warrior, responsible for the defense of Ramadun and the organization of any military ventures.   

Law and Justice

Legal System: The laws of Ramadun are a mix of ancient Duergar traditions and decrees issued by the High Priestess. They emphasize clan loyalty, respect for hierarchy, and the importance of contributing to the community.

Enforcement: A group of enforcers, answering directly to the High Priestess and the council, handle law enforcement. They are respected for their impartiality and feared for their ruthlessness in dealing with lawbreakers.

Punishments: Penalties for breaking the law are harsh, often involving forced labor in the mines or forges, public humiliation, or, for more severe crimes, exile into the perilous depths of the Underdark.  
Special Laws
Ramadûn also has several very unique laws which developed over the time of city existence.

Law of Deep Trust: In Ramadun, betraying a clan member, whether through deception, theft, or endangerment, is considered one of the gravest sins. The punishment for such betrayal is a ritualistic banishment known as The Descent. The offender is lowered into a deep, dark chasm in the Underdark, left to survive and find their way back as a test of their resilience and penance. This law reflects the Duergar's high value on trust and loyalty within their tight-knit community. 

Edict of the Shadowed Path: Given the Duergar's mistrust of magic, especially that wielded by Drow elves, the use of arcane magic within Ramadun is heavily regulated. Any Duergar or visitor wishing to practice or demonstrate arcane magic must obtain a permit from the Council of Elders. Unauthorized use of magic, particularly if it's deemed threatening or deceptive, is met with severe penalties. This reflects the Duergar's wariness of the arcane, shaped by their history and conflicts with magical races.

Taxation and Economy

Tax System: Taxes are levied primarily on the production and trade of goods, especially on Zhurkwood products and blacksmithing. There is also a tax on trade caravans passing through or doing business in Ramadun.

Resource Allocation: Collected taxes are used to maintain and expand the settlement's infrastructure, support the military, and ensure a steady supply of resources for the populace.


Arcane Warding - Sulûn-tarkûn

Given the Drow's proficiency in magic, Ramadun employs powerful arcane wards around its perimeter and key buildings. These wards could be designed to disrupt or weaken magical attacks, prevent teleportation (a common method for Drow kidnappings), and alert the guards to any unauthorized magical intrusions.

Anti-Magic Zones - Zarâr-mahal

Certain critical areas, particularly the Grand Forge, the Ancestral Archives, and the leadership quarters, might be blanketed with anti-magic zones. These zones nullify any active magic, making them safe havens against magical assaults.  

Concealed Turrets and Arrow Slits

Along the walls and in strategic locations throughout the city, hidden turrets and arrow slits allow archers and crossbowmen to fire upon enemies while remaining protected. These positions could be especially effective against driders, who might attempt to scale the walls.  

Underground Sensor Network - Nulukkhizdîn-rakhas

To detect subterranean movements (a common approach for Drow and driders), Ramadun could employ a network of seismic sensors. These would alert the city's defenders to any tunneling or underground approach.  

Rapid Response Units - Khazâdans

Trained specifically to counter Drow tactics, these elite units would be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. They would be equipped with tools and weapons effective against Drow and driders, such as nets to prevent kidnappings, light-based weapons to counteract Drow's light sensitivity, and alchemical items to counteract poisons and illusions. These units are called Baruk Khazâd, also called Khazâdans. In Common it means Axes of Dwarvenkind.


In the harsh and demanding environment of the Underdark, the Duergar of Ramadun have developed a robust and ingenious infrastructure to support their settlement and its unique needs. Their entrepreneurial spirit and engineering prowess are evident in several key structures and systems.  

The Great Forge - Mahalulbar

At the heart of Ramadûn's industrial prowess lies its Great Forge, powered by natural geothermal heat from the mountain's volcanic activity. This forge is not only a marvel of engineering but also a central aspect of Duergar culture. It's used for crafting weapons, armor, and tools, essential for survival and trade in the Underdark.  

Zhurkwood Plantations - Zurukul-tumun

Surrounding Ramadûn are extensive plantations of Zhurkwood, a crucial resource for the Duergar. Ingenious irrigation systems, utilizing underground water sources, nourish these fungi forests. The wood is used for building structures, crafting items, and even creating small boats for navigating the Shadowmire River.

The Molten Gate

This gate is at the lowest level of Ramadûn. Most of Duergar has forbidden entrance but its believed it was used for the initial setup of hot steams that are used in several forges. It is one of the oldest structures in the entire Ramadûn.  

Rail System

Connecting Bergatt to Ramadun, this network of rails and carts facilitates the efficient transport of goods, particularly Zhurkwood and forge materials. This system demonstrates the Duergar's advanced understanding of logistics and engineering.Some rail branches span across miles of travel to deeper parts of Underdark for rare materials.  

Defensive Structures

Ramadun's architecture is designed for defense, with thick stone walls, strategically placed watchtowers, and fortified gates. The settlement is built into the mountain itself, providing natural protection and a vantage point to monitor the surrounding areas.


The Grand Forge District - Mahalulbar-zonâ

The heart of Ramadun's industry, this district is dominated by the Grand Forge, a massive structure fueled by geothermal energy. It houses numerous forges, blacksmiths, and workshops where the famed Duergar weapons and armors are crafted.

The Deep Market - Azanulbizar

This bustling trade center is where Duergar artisans and merchants sell their goods. It's a place to find anything from everyday items to rare minerals and crafted goods. The market is heavily guarded, reflecting the Duergar's cautious nature in trade.  

The Clan Quarters - Khazâd-thark

A residential area primarily for members of the ruling clan, Rama'kaz, and other noble families. These quarters are more fortified and luxurious compared to other residential areas, showcasing intricate stonework and metal decorations.  

The Commons - Kibil-tumun

The largest residential area, where most of Ramadun's population lives. The housing here is practical and robust, designed to accommodate families of various sizes. Community centers and small plazas are common for social gatherings and clan meetings.


The Ancestral Archives - Atarâd-kheled

A vault-like repository located in the center of the Ramadun, containing ancient scrolls, tomes, and records of the city's history, laws, and secrets. It's a treasure trove of knowledge and a key to understanding Duergar heritage.  

The Armory of the Rama'kaz - Gabil-Rama'kaz Mablung

A heavily guarded vault holding the clan's and the city's most valuable weapons and armors, some of which are ancient artifacts imbued with powerful enchantments. The most known is Mithrilnar, rune warhammer which returns to hand. It is believed it belonged to one of the founders of the city.  

The Crystal Water Reservoir - Shaphal-mîrê

A large underground reservoir of fresh water, equipped with advanced filtration systems. It's essential for the survival of the city’s population. It draws water from Shadowmire and filters it through complex systems to be drinkable.

Guilds and Factions

The Anvil Brotherhood - Mahalbar

This guild is composed of the most skilled blacksmiths, armorers, and weapon makers in Ramadun. They are the backbone of the city's renowned metalwork and craftsmanship.

The Anvil Brotherhood not only controls the production of arms and armor but also holds significant influence over the trade of these goods. Their approval is often required for large-scale or specialized metalworking projects.

Apart from crafting, they are involved in research and development of new metallurgical techniques and magical enhancements for metalworks. They often collaborate with the Grand Forge and play a vital role in maintaining and innovating Ramadun's defenses.

Shadow Seekers - Dûmumûrz

Primarily an intelligence and reconnaissance faction, the Shadow Seekers specialize in gathering information, espionage, and scouting missions, particularly focusing on threats from the Drow and other Underdark denizens.

Their knowledge and intelligence reports are crucial for the city's security and defense strategies. They often work closely with the city's military and the Khazâdans.

The Shadow Seekers operate both within and outside Ramadun, using a network of spies and informants. They are adept in stealth, survival skills, and counter-espionage techniques.  

Deep Dvelvers - Fundinfalath

This guild consists of expert miners, geologists, and explorers who specialize in navigating the Underdark and exploiting its resources.

  They are crucial for the city's resource acquisition, especially in procuring rare minerals, Zhurkwood, and other valuable commodities from the depths of the Underdark.

The Deep Delvers are responsible for charting new tunnels, discovering resource-rich caverns, and ensuring the safety of mining operations. They also play a key role in maintaining the structural integrity of Ramadun's underground architecture.



  Yargat Rama Krommhammer Khan and Grandar Thul were members of Laduguer's bulls, well known organization that took care of spreading influence of Duergar through the Underdark. They found place where Ramadun stands as they thought it will be the perfect place for safehaven for all Duergar. 

Yargat remained here and started working on his legacy. Grandar had several children - descendant of his bloodline and then left Ramadun before it was finished. They both remained in endless war with dark elves. It is believed that Grander created one more settlement named Bazrek Nithil, which is believed to be lost.  

The most precious artifact from this time is Mithrilnar, rune hammer that is believed to belong to Grandar Thul himself. It was retrieved after Grandar's death but many other things from his legendary times are lost in the Underdark.  

Golden Age

Around the year -100 it was golden age for Ramadun as most of the Duergar from near locations traveled to Ramadun as it was one of the safest locations nearby.  

Dark Age

Around the year 315 SE tragedy happened. The Mithrilnar was lost. The artifact that gave hope to Duergar almost worshiped as gift from the divine was lost with no clue.

Points of interest

The Warrior's Arena

Located in the Garrison Quarter, this arena is used for training the city's warriors and hosting martial competitions. It's a symbol of Duergar martial prowess and a place for honing combat skills.  

The Council Hall - Mazarbul-zonâ

The seat of governance in Ramadun, where the ruling clan and the Council of Elders meet to discuss and decide on matters of state, law, and diplomacy.  

The Underpath Entrance - Nuluk-khizdîn-nâla

The main gateway to the extensive network of tunnels known as the Underpath. This area is heavily guarded and shrouded in secrecy. It's crucial for quick internal travel and serves as an emergency escape route during sieges.  

The Hall of Echoes - Rundushâl

A grand chamber within Ramadun known for its remarkable acoustics. This hall is used for important clan gatherings, ceremonies, and occasionally for resolving disputes through traditional Duergar chanting duels, where the resonance of one’s voice signifies the strength of their argument.
-Member of Khazâdans, Rapid Response Units of Ramadûn
-The Great Forge - Mahalulbar
-Zhurkwood Plantations, Zurukul-tumun
Founding Date
-735 HE
Alternative Name(s)
Grey Fort
Large city


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