
Basic Information


Ratfolk is really like human combined with rat. They are not really physically strong, however they compensate it with their agility and danger senses. They are shorter than humans, and appar almost frail. They have heads shaped like a rat's, with an elongated skull, thin lips, a humanoid nose, and black orbs for eyes. Fur on their bodies is thin, but dark, giving them an obscured appearance in dark conditions. Their thin tail is usually around half of their body.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Genetics and Reproduction

Ratfolk can't reproduce. They were created by magical experiments which made them sterile. However, ratfolk knows the requirements to perform such an experiment, which alows them to reproduce by catching rats and carry out the same modifications that was made on them in past. This alows ratfolk to control population amount - during wars they can grow in numbers really fast and during famine they can reduce "production".
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Growth Rate & Stages

Ratfolk can control their reproduction. At the time the experiment is carried out, the rat is already mature - otherwise it would die. That means there is nothing like "child" for Ratfolk. You rarely see old ratfolk as they would die by natural means faster - older ratfolks are slow and are losing their disease resistances which makes them way more vunerable and almost impossible to survive in stocks and underground.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan  II

Ecology and Habitats

Ratfolk lives underground, mostly under other cities as their food sources are easy to access. Most of their "rivers" are simply sewage of the city above. They also visit the city above, thats why they created really thin tunnels they can use or escape through them - however, they are too thin for any human to squeeze through. If there is any ratfolk that is not happy about eating trash all the time, they are often thiefs and criminals. Going above the sewage is quite risky as city consider them as intruders - locking them to prison on sight or outright killing them as vermin.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Dietary Needs and Habits

Trash. Thats their passion. Any Ratfolk can find the most valuable things in something, others would call trash and waste. They spend their entire lifes going through trashes of other beings.
They also collect water from city above ( during rains ), stealing through wells, underground watersources etc.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ratfolk lives in anarchy, working together to achieve good for all members. They also form smaller "groups", they call ratles. Each ratle has one or two leaders.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ratfolk have become accustomed to hard lives since they moved to the underground nation. Their smell and hearing abilities compensate their poor sight and fragile bodies. They can detect enemies from far away so they have enough time to hide or escape. They also use in their underground cities forms of traps that warn them with specific sound only they can hear.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan  II

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Ratfolk adapted to steam technology to increase their effectivnes on maximum. They also adapted their craft with crystals and they are using them for light.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II


Ratfolk was created by human wizards. It is unknown when this happened, however since then they don't carry any historical evidence of their actions or events.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan  II


ability score increase: Dexterity: +4, Wisdom +1, Charisma -2
age: 70 - 120
alignment: usually neutral, very rarely evil
Size: Medium
speed: 35 ft
Languages: Common, Ratfolk, Beast
race features:
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the ratfolk has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Darkvision. You are used to dark areas, and your eyes have adjusted to such. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Adapted hearing and smell: You have advantage on all perception checks relying on hearing or smell.
Adapted to stocks: You have advantage on poisons and disease saving throws.
Beings in darkness: You have advantage on stealth checks.
Small skeleton: You are considered small for squeezing between tight spaces.
Sprinting nature: You can spend your full turn to sprint. As result, you can move up to 4 times your movement speed. Attacks of opportunity are made with advantage and you must run in a straight line.
Scientific Name
Magical experiments
Average Height
1m - 1.2m, they could be little bit higher, however they are almost all the time bend-postured.
Average Weight
40kg - 55kg
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