
Ravenfjall, the second-largest city in Järvimaa, stands as a bulwark against the threats from the Cursed Mountains. This fortified city is built into the side of a cliff, its dark stone buildings and towers blending with the rocky landscape. Ravens constantly circle the city, believed to be messengers and omens from the gods.

Ravenfjall's population consists primarily of hardened warriors, monster hunters, and those who support their endeavors. The city has a militaristic culture, with most citizens receiving basic combat training. Goliaths make up a significant minority, prized for their strength and mountain survival skills.

Industry & Trade

Ravenfjall's economy revolves around monster hunting, with industries supporting expeditions into the Cursed Mountains. This includes weapon crafting, armor smithing, potion brewing, and trading in monster parts.


  • Transportation. Cliff-side elevators, mountain trails, and trained giant eagles for scouting
  • Sanitation. Efficient waste management to prevent attracting monsters to the city


  1. The Ravensroost. Upper city, home to the Jarl's keep and monster hunter guilds
  2. The Lowmarket. Lower city, bustling with traders specializing in monster parts and expedition gear
  3. The Forge Quarter. Where weaponsmiths craft arms for battling mountain creatures
  4. The Wardskin District. Home to mages who maintain the city's protective enchantments
  5. The Expedition Grounds. Training areas and staging points for mountain forays


  • The Giant's Bane. A massive ballista atop the city's highest tower, capable of taking down large flying creatures
  • The Raven's Roost. A tower where messengers train ravens for communication and scouting
  • The Runestone Plaza. A public square featuring ancient runestones with protective enchantments
  • The Monster Hunter's Hall. A grand building showcasing trophies and providing information on mountain creatures
  • The Cursed Archives. A library containing lore about the Cursed Mountains and its denizens

Guilds and Factions

  1. The Monster Hunter's Guild. Organizes expeditions and sets bounties on dangerous creatures
  2. The Runic Warders. Mages responsible for maintaining the city's magical defenses
  3. The Mountain Scouts. Expert guides for mountain expeditions
  4. The Beastmaster's Circle. Specialists in taming and training mountain creatures for use in defense and expeditions


  • The annual Monster Hunter's Festival attracts warriors from across The North
  • Guided tours to "safe" parts of the Cursed Mountains
  • The Monster Museum, displaying preserved specimens and artifacts

Natural Resources

  • Rare minerals and gems from mountain mines
  • Magical components harvested from defeated monsters
  • Medicinal herbs that grow in the harsh mountain climate
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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