
Thanes are powerful nobles who govern the major regions, or Thanedoms, of The North. Second only to the Jarl in authority, Thanes play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and strength of the realm. They serve as the backbone of The North's feudal structure, balancing local governance with loyalty to the crown.  


  • Authority to appoint Hersirs and other local officials
  • Right to try and punish criminals within their jurisdiction
  • Ability to call upon levies in times of war
  • Control over local resources and trade within their Thanedom
  • Limited power to create local laws (subject to the Jarl's approval)

Symbols of Office

  • The Thane's Ring. A signet ring bearing the emblem of their Thanedom
  • The Mantle of Office. A fur-lined cloak embroidered with the symbols of their territory
  • The Thane's Weapon. A hereditary weapon passed down through generations, often imbued with magical properties


  • Governance of their Thanedom
  • Military leadership, including raising and maintaining armies
  • Enforcement of the Jarl's laws and decrees within their territory
  • Collection and management of taxes, with a portion sent to the Jarl
  • Mediation of disputes among lesser nobles and Hersirs
  • Representation of their Thanedom's interests in the Jarl's council
Nobility, Household
Form of Address
My Lord/Lady Thane, Honored Thane of [Thanedom]
Equates to
  • Duke
  • Earl
  • Governor
Length of Term


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