Rimearch Grentert

Gretern is an imposing figure, standing at 24 feet tall with skin the color of storm clouds, shifting from pale gray to deep purple. Her hair is a flowing mane of silver-white, often crackling with small bolts of lightning. She wears flowing robes of mist-like fabric adorned with runes of wind and lightning.  

Legendary Abilities

  • Mastery over weather, able to conjure storms or clear skies at will
  • Exceptional magical abilities, particularly in air and lightning magic
  • Skilled in cloud giant rune magic
  • Possesses the cloud giant gift of levitation and cloud walking

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gretern ascended to power through a combination of magical prowess and political maneuvering. She united the disparate cloud giant clans of Jäähuiput and established alliances with storm giants, solidifying her rule over the highest peaks.


  • The Skyspire Accord. United the cloud and storm giant clans under her leadership
  • The Tempest Barrier. Created a magical storm wall that protects Jäähuiput from invasions
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
35 355 Years old


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