
The Rimearchs are the formidable leaders of the Frostwilds, the untamed and harsh regions of The North. These individuals command respect through their strength, wisdom, and ability to survive in the most unforgiving environments. While not officially part of The North's feudal structure, Rimearchs are crucial allies and occasional rivals to the Jarl and Thanes.  


  • Authority over all inhabitants of their Frostwild
  • Right to call upon warriors for defense or raids
  • Control over resource distribution within their territory
  • Ability to form alliances with other Frostwilds or external powers

Symbols of Office

Unique to each Frostwild, often incorporating elements like giant bones, rare ice crystals, or pelts of legendary beasts


  • Leadership of their respective Frostwild
  • Mediation between various tribes and clans within their territory
  • Defense against threats from monsters, giants, and other supernatural forces
  • Negotiation with The North's official government and other Frostwilds
  • Preservation of ancient traditions and knowledge unique to their lands
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Honored Rimearch, Lord/Lady of the Frost
Equates to
  • Tribal Chieftain
  • Warlord
  • Clan Leader
Length of Term


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