
Runefell, known as the "City of Living Runes," is a mystical metropolis situated at the confluence of the Jäävirta river and Lake Talvivirta. Renowned for its mastery of runic magic, Runefell serves as the arcane heart of Rimegard, balancing the martial might of Huldreholm with magical prowess. Built along the banks of the Jäävirta river where it meets Lake Talvivirta, Runefell's position allows it to control water trade routes and harness the natural energies of the area for its magical practices. Ruled by the Rune Council, a body of seven master runesmiths, led by High Runemaster Freya Icespeaker. The council reports to Thane Bjorn Jääkäsi  but enjoys considerable autonomy in city affairs.  


  • High value placed on magical knowledge and innovation
  • Tradition of inscribing personal runes on doorways for protection and prosperity
  • Annual "Runewaking Festival" where new runic discoveries are unveiled

Unique Features

  • The Living Runes. Massive runic inscriptions throughout the city that shift and change, reflecting the city's needs
  • The Frostflow Locks. A series of magically operated locks allowing ships to navigate the river's elevation changes
  • The Runic Lighthouse. A tower that projects runic warnings and guidance visible for miles


  • Walls inscribed with protective runes that create magical barriers
  • The Runic Guard. Warriors whose armor and weapons are enhanced by powerful runes
  • Conjured elementals and constructs that can be summoned in times of crisis

Industry & Trade

Runefell's economy is driven by its magical expertise:
  • Creation and trade of runic items, from simple charms to powerful artifacts
  • Magical consultation and services for other parts of Rimegard
  • Research and development of new runic applications, particularly for giant-fighting


  • The Runic Citadel. Central district housing the Rune Council chambers and major magical institutions
  • Glyphweaver's Quarter. Where runesmiths and magical artisans craft their wares
  • The Floating Markets. Magical platforms hovering over the river, home to exotic trade
  • Scholar's Row. A district of libraries, schools, and research facilities
Alternative Name(s)
City of Living Runes
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank


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