Session I: Mysterious artifact

General Summary

Attack on Kesseth

In the early morning of 2nd of Sydesar, Ssassoth attacked on border city named Kesseth. Characters woke up from their sleep in small tavern and tried to survive the assault. They encountered Fire Genasi Soray Al-Mahjoub, who helped with the escape as he was stable master. He asked them to help his friend - local smith. When they tried to enter his house, mysterious White Tiefling appeared and draw his sword.


They appeared in mysterious place with no land, air. They float through space until they arrive to mysterious corpse of some enormous entity. They shortly traveled through its body until they reached chest, where they found purple orb with dark purple "claws". When they touched it, they instantly appeared back, before they decided to visit the smith - as if they returned back in time. They quickly escpaed the village shortly after.  

Meeting Muhad Al'Zaphir

During their travels with other survivals of this attack, they met Muhad Al'Zaphir - infamous leader of deserters. He is well known for its dual personality and red lizard they ride across the desert. He stole their money and left - this was the more peaceful part of Muhad.  


In the morning of the same day, they arrived to the city of Zira, City of Flowers. They made short travels through the city, searching for some place to get money. After short tour, they were send to Alistair Thorne, current Qadi of Zira. He offered them multiple opportunities how to earn some money as adventurers and they decided to take a loot at few. During their traveling through Zira, they also found out about fight in local arena for some gold and decided to try their luck.  

Castle Al-Qalb Alghabib

Adventurers decided to spent the rest of their day exploring and decided to take a look at local castle as Darian got lead that maybe someone might here there about his missing friends. On their way there, they met Isabella Stormcloak, who claimed she would have quick job for them, if they meet her in The Shadow's Haven Pub and ask for her. They found out that this castle is like a fortress and it is guarding from outer threats - Nine Hells as well as from internal threats - portal to Elemental Plane of Fire. They met owner of this castle - Amir Azraq, Fire Genasi, whose father lives in Efreeti Mountains. Amir Azraq guards this fortress as its guardian against evil and elementals. He also suffers the curse of this castle - Sleepless Night. Adventurers didn't managed to leave before they too were cursed for this night. They had to fight for their own survival in their dreams and some of them nearly died if it wasn't for secret passages through the castle and powerful magic that Azraq controls.  


The next morning, they rushed back to the city to attend the arena fights. They managed to defeat Al'takarian Elephant, poisonous snakes and lions in the best time, earning them first place alongside with interest of Draxus Vulondruin, member of some organization that is interested with capable adventurers and soldiers. He offered them job, if they meet him the next day at midnight in the The Shadow's Haven Pub. They decided to accept and meet with him there.  

Travel to Ressyth

After they won Arena, they took a short break and decided to follow on quest that Alistair gave them - travel to Ressyth and find out what happened with the crater. They rent out a desert goats as mounts and get on their journey. After several hours they reached Ressyth, finding large crater in the middle of the village with interesting purple shard. They found out that previous group tried to remove it and hand of one of their comrades disintegrated into nothing. They tried using their mysterious orb and traveled few minutes back, then decided to wait and continue the next day. In the morning of the next day, Dorn tried to touch the shard inside of the crater while holding the orb and it get back its purple color, while shard disapeared. However, when Dorn touched the item, he said words in different voice mentioning Zyvran'Korinor - ancient ruins of temple dedicated to long forgotten god.  


Adventurers decided to travel to these ruins that Dorn spoke about while having this ,,vision". They found half-burried temple in sand and tried to enter it with care. Adventuers decided to go in, traveled for a while in the temple and found a purple-black stuff on the walls and later on the ground.  They tried to open the door to the next room when these small black-purple beings rose from the ground and attackem them - they exploded and killing almost all of them - removing them from existence. However, Amelia was the last one that survived - quickly took the orb, activated it and returned time before they entered the temple - they know what they needed. When they returned to Zira, Alistair was supprised about their finding, but they withold the information about how they survived and lied to him.  


When adventurers returned to Zira, they traveled to The Shadow's Haven Pub where they had meeting with Draxus Vulondruin at midnight. Nasir Ssshar came in his place. He send them to Xyrmal'Thrakor as Trial of the Serpent - they should retrieve magical artifact named Serpent's Eye, magical item able to recognize any lie. Draxus sent with them Lyria Celebnár, which should act as a help in case of emergencies. They reached the crypts and found few undeads and traps against intruders, Dorn and Amelia nearly died but survived thanks to help of others. Lyria didn't have such luck as once of the skeletons pierced her hearth shortly after openning trapped sarcophagus. However they found this magical item and traveled back to Zira, alongside with dead body of Lyria.

Rewards Granted


  • 250 gold pieces for winning fastest time in Snake Pit
  • 150 gold pieces for investigating mysterious shard in Ressyth.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Xyrmal'Thrakor - Trial of the Serpent.
  • Zyvran'Korinor - Shard in Ressyth


Start: 2nd of Sydesar 315 SE
End: 5th of Sydesar 315 SE
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
08 Oct 2023
Primary Location

This article has no secrets.


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