Qadi (KAH-dee)


Legal Knowledge and Expertise

The aspiring Qadi must possess a deep understanding and sense for justice.  

Religious Education

Since Qadi is often involved in matters of Al'takarian law and governance, a strong foundation in religious education and understanding of Islamic principles is essential.  

Proven Wisdom and Fairness

The candidate must demonstrate wisdom and a fair judgment in their dealings with people and cases. They should be known for their impartiality and the ability to make just decisions.    

Administrative and Leadership Skills

As the ruler or owner of a settlement, the Qadi must possess strong administrative and leadership skills to effectively manage the affairs of the town, city, or village.  

Recommendations and Approval

The candidate must obtain recommendations and endorsements from reputable individuals or authorities, showing their suitability for the position. Ultimately, the approval of the Vezir is required to bestow the title of Qadi upon the individual.


Only Vezir might name another Qadi or any rank above Vezir might choose subordinate Vezir and order it.


As the esteemed Qadi, their primary duty is to preside over the settlement with impartiality and uphold justice in all legal matters. They serve as the chief legal authority, overseeing and adjudicating disputes, civil cases, and criminal proceedings. The Qadi interprets and applies the law, ensuring fair resolutions and maintaining social harmony within the community. Additionally, they are responsible for administering local governance, enforcing decrees, and collaborating with other officials to ensure the welfare and prosperity of the town, city, or village under their rule. Their wisdom, fairness, and knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence guide their decisions, making them a respected and trusted leader among the people they serve.


As the esteemed Qadi, the ruler or owner of a village, town, or city, they enjoy a multitude of benefits and privileges. Their position grants them significant authority and prestige, and their decisions are revered as law. With control over local affairs, access to resources, and the power to govern, the Qadi holds a crucial role in shaping the development and prosperity of their settlement. They have the means to protect their domain, foster economic growth, and build alliances, all while leaving a lasting legacy and cultural influence on the community they serve.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Equates to
It equates to Major but with absolute power over settlement.
Source of Authority
Vezir might give one of his villanges, towns or cities to Qadi for his service to him or his district.
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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