Session III: Fatharik

General Summary

Missing Friend

When adventurers woke up, they found out their friend and party member Dorn is missing. All they could find out was traces of magic and parchment containing drawing of slain spider. However, the group didn't really give it second thought and followed up with their plan - travel to Fatharik.

They also found Darian levitating in his room, contributing to another night with terrible sleep.  


They rented a vagon with two camels and started their travels to Fatharik.  


The Imp
They've met Imp named Šotek, that claims to be imprisoned between spheres since old times but was released, to him, by unknown entity for unknown reason. However, he didn't waste any time and started to bring harm and pain on the adventurers as that was the only thing he remembered how to do. He broke their wheels, created fake chests etc. Later.. he just left. Just like that.  
Azraim al-Jahan
Later they met Azraim, traveler to Efreeti Mountains that joined them and helped them on their travels as much as they helped him. He also told them few interesting secrets about their mysterious cube from Amir Azraq as he knew basics of Infernal. Azraim also told them story of a man, who had to choose between two terrible choices and all it seems he was pointing to Amir Azraq by his story.  
- Azraim al-Jahan, traveler to Efreeti Mountains
They've later visited Myrnok, small town in the middle of their route. They've just bought food and drink and continuing their path. However, they've also encountered Ymir - old bloodhunter who sells Hemocraft items. He told them he is traveling merchant through Al'takar and they might meet again later.  
- Ymir, Traveling Hemocraft Merchant
Attack of Harpies
They've choose to travel across bridge spanning over Harpy Valley - more dangerous path, but faster. They were attacked by several harpies and one harpy which was able to cast spells and control wind. Their new party member Azraim shown himself useful as he contributed well killing many harpies and even saving Gimmun when he fall to lower rocks. Amelia found Hungry Coin which eat all her savings, Kailani found Eye Stone, which could allow her to change one eye with anyone else and Darian found Hatchery Bowl, which could instantly turn egg into ofspring.  


When they reached Fatharik, they found out that gates are closed due to issues with Fire Elementals getting more wild during last few days. They had to get inside the city through underground organization named The Ember Brotherhood - organization of dwarves which study and exploit powers of Fire Plane and its portal. The Ember Brotherhood offered them some money in exchange for killing Bulette, which was drawn to their parts of underground by Drow Elf organization in the city - which they succesfully did.   They also slightly heard about Veiled Vipers, organization that sells information.  
- Attack of huge fire elemental on city square in Fatharik
Old Friends
Amelia met her old "Friends" - Saszeih and Motsu on city square, right before large fire elemental appeared, killing many civilians before it disapeared.  They didn't recognized Amelia, but they got their suspision.


Start: 6th of Sydesar
End: 17th of Sydesar
Rising from the Sand
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
28 Oct 2023

This article has no secrets.


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