Session V: Burning Spiders & The Breathers

General Summary

The Breathers

After their rest in The Flamehold, they decided to visit The Breathers, other organization in the Undermountains. They were looking for other support for dealing with Dakhmir as they were focused to get to Trial of Fire. Members of the Ember Brotherhood showed them the way to The Core, alternative to the Flamehold, but in possession of The Breathers.

They've had to get masks to avoid toxins and toxic air from their toxic pools. On the way, they've met some abommination of alchemist who were experimenting with the toxins. All he wanted for safe passage was Kai, however group wasn't going to trade her or anything for safe passage and killed him.

In The Core, they've met with Thraxar - The Supreme Warlord of The Breathers. He required that the weaker members show their strength by using Chemtech, which Dorn did. He also wanted Darian to inject himself with one, but prevented him from getting high from Parno. He then offered them Chemtech with Purifiers if they make sure entrance to Underdark, currently in control by Burning Spiders is destroyed. He even offered his soldiers behind enemy lines would help them. They said, they will firstly take a look and then potentionally come back. 

Thraxar also gave them information about old railway and broken minecart in their possession. They've managed to repair it through Amelia's woodworking skills, heat metal spell and Gimmun's smith skills. They were ready to ride down to Drow elf teritory.  
-Symbol of The Breathers

Burning Spiders

They've ride through borders of the Burning Spiders, dodged many traps and attacks from guards including their large balista guarding this entrance. However they've failed to stop the minecart and crushed through enemy lines, literary - as their minecart crushed bones of Drow elves as it went flying down to Underdark. They've flew out as well, but Dorn's magic prevented their fall to Underdark.

Few Drow elves managed to survive alongside with 4, now revelead members of The Breathers. Short stand-off shown when Dorn shouted ,,We are with you" to Drow elves. The Breathers made quick job with Drow Elves and then put up a good fight with the group as well, Gimmun almost dying and falling to Underdark.

After very exhausting fight, they've managed to regroup and decided to wait for Drow Elfs to show up and speak with them as they were too exhausted to run away. Heavy armored Drow elves showed up with Sylrin as leader. He quickly recognized Dorn as he already spoke to him. He offered them deal - remove Dakhmir and live, they accepted with 3 days to accomplish this task.   
-Symbol of The Burning Spiders


After short sleep they headed towards Dakhmir's nests. They found first nest very quickly and without any problems, however Dakhmir defended their nests strongly. After a while, they planted the bomb they received from Burning Spiders and tried to run away. However, Dorn and Darian were dry and unable to cast into several of them as some were immune to magic, Kai was taken and slowly prepared to join Dakhmirs, Amelia was slowly dying close to the bomb and Gimmun was running away from the bomb at the last moment. Before explosion, Kai activated their purple magical stone and returned back in time, before they've attacked Dakhmir nest. 

This time, they've changed a plan - cut the fuse, throw bomb and run away. Dakhmir, completely suprised and never experienced nothing like this before died alongside with this nest. However, through out the network of tunnels were heard sounds - Dakhmir were ready to defend their hives from now on.  
-Fire Bomb from Burning Spiders to get rid of Dakhmir


Start: 28th of Sydesar
End: 29th of Sydesar
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
17 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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