Session VI: Trial of Fire

General Summary


After the adventurers destroyed the first hive, four were left. However, they met mysterious samurai two helped them with destruction of two. They haven't said much a simply took the bombs and activated them. They simply claimed that they had their own reasons why they have to cleanse Dakhmirs.
-The Mysterious Samurai
The Main Hive
Adventurers found the main hive after dealing with the 4th which was very easy as there was only wounded Dakhmir guarding the 4th Hive that were unable to detect them. The Main Hive was almost impossible to destroy as there was over 100 Dakhmir on guard, however they've noticed that the high ceiling could simply collapse, killing Dakhmir for them. They executed this plan and it was great success. However, they find some purple shard, which enhanced their mysterious stone.   
-The Main Hive

-Purple Shard enhacing ability of the Mysterious Stone
Drow Elves

After this great success, they were released by Drow elves as their deal was completed. On their escort to the Ember Brotherhood, Darian wanted to stop on one place from his vision.  

Lost Chapel

Drow elves escorted them to the place where Darian saw the moonlight and felt the power that called him. From within, Darian felt part of himself and something greater calling him. He touched the bright light, feeling some scars on his body to disapear and symbol of moon appeared on his chest.  

The Ember Brotherhood

After they reached the gates of Ember Brotherhood once again, they were gladly accepted and celebrated for saving Durin Flamehearth as his health was back at normal thanks to their warning. They were introduced to the Priestess of Kossuth for helping them with Dakhmir. She gave them Kossuth's advice how to deal with Trial of Fire.

"V ohnivé záři Kossutha, nechť vás jeho plameny provedou třemi zkouškami na cestě k pravdě. První vás zavede do srdce elementů, kde se jim musíte postavit tváří v tvář, a přitom hledat moudrost skrytou v jejich síle. Ve druhé se ocitnete ve světě slov a tajemství, kde jazyk je silnější než ocel a pravda se skrývá v labyrintu moudrých slov. Třetí zkouška vás zavede do místa stínů a světel, kde jeden z vás, jako prorok Kossutha, musí vést ostatní skrze plameny a kouř. Věřte ve světlo, neboť ve světle je síla a vedení."
    Trial of Fire

After their quick preparation and resting for a while, they headed back to the Priestess to start Trial of Fire. They have managed to easily survive through first stage with small wounds and progressed to second stage, where they had to use their tongues instead of their weapons. They managed to dance with Lady Sahir, stole Fire Ruby from lord Narqash and settle dispute between Rihab brothers. The last part was navigation in large maze where Dorn was choosen to lead while others entrust him with their lifes. With some struggles they've managed to successfully finish all three stages and were allowed entrance to Efreeti Mountains.  

Efreeti Mountains

Aelarion Tindórel
They've visited large hotel Qasr Aj-Afreet and accommodated in 1st floor in one room. They also visited Darian's friend - Aelarion Tindórel, which has inside part of Fire Elemental Lord. They've been given teleportation to Harpy's Valley to bring Hearth of Elements, which might help Aelarion become stable. They've executed the ritual with the help of Fire Priests, however it failed. They were able to stabilize Aelarion temporary at least, until they find some master of Fire magic that might be able to help her. Until then, Aelarion was grateful to the adventurers and offered to stay with them.  
Amelia met Alek, someone who she looked for for a longer time as he is wearing Hammer of Nezos, her Patron. He told Amelia his side of the story, about Nezos being weak and trying to use Amelia to kill Baba Zmora, Patron of Alek, both are Archfey from Feywild. He also told Amelia that the shards she is looking for are in Nezos's power to place wherever he wants to and needs Amelia to go. Amelia seemed to believe him and strike him suprisingly with her magic when it seems there is truce between them. The adventurers managed to kill Alek and Amelia took the Hammer.   
-Alek, servant of Baba Zmora
Khalid ibn Nar
Master of Efreeti Mountains and very powerful Efreet met the adventurers as the reward for making it through Trial of Fire. They found him on their own initiative as Gimmun wanted to talk to him about his son, Amir Azraq and his Infernal Contract. Khalid gave them a task to take his son out of this world if this accusation comes true and as a reward, he'll allow them to use his teleport to Castle Al-Qalb Alghabib and give Gimmun his blessing. 
-Khalid ibn Nar, Lord of Efreeti Mountains and Amir of Castle Al-Qalb Alghabib 

Infernal Contract: Amir Azraq

They have teleported to Amir Azraq and when he was presented by all the accusation he told them the entire story.
In year 300 was Amir Azraq tricked by warlock named Bofur Khuzdul, dwarf that served Arganinax. He told Amir that he can help him protecting the portal by his powerful magic. Amir accepted in desparation and fear of losing the castle soon enough as he was losing all the time. However, this deal was infernal pact, which didn't make Amir more powerful, it just made Nine Hells slow and weaker their attack and let devils get caught. This deal also talks about breaking all magic around the castle upon Amir's death - making all devils in his prison go free as well as opening the portal to Nine Hells.
And as Gimmun made a verdict about Amir Azraq's death, he put him to the sword. At the same time, the entire castle started to shake as dozens of devils were set free and started to leaving the castle. During this time, army of the Rebellion marched north to met with Sassothian army that headed up to Zira, as Alistair Thorne died and new leader, Rashid Al-Najjar invited Ssassothian leaders to take over Zira and join them instead of the Rebellion. Army of the Rebellion was devastated by the fiends leaving the castle and Ssassothian army had no problem taking over Zira. This caused great fire and deaths as soldiers killed everyone who stood in their way.  

Travel to Venoth'ziscah

After raiding of Zira adventurers travelled to VEnoth'ziscah, city known for its prophets in temple Sslythavians.


Start: 29th of Sydesar 
End: 37th of Sydesar
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
27 Nov 2023


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