Session XII: Ruins of Azakam

General Summary

Morvok's Tower

The adventurers traveled from the hideout of Drakar Bluestone to Place of Power, which Darian found out from Drakar. They were told to follow Shadowmire and he will feel it after some time. He really did, but instead of Place of Power he found Morvok Tower which he already heard before. This should serve as warehouse tower. After a bit of convicing, they've decided to investigate. They managed to enter the tower and fight off the golem guarding it, mostly because it was heavily corrupted by Faezress, which slowed him down and made him overall easier to beat, yet it was very strong opponent. They've found labyrinth with the minotaur, in the middle of the maze was hidden library where Morvok most likely store some important information for himself, however he made sure that no one will be able to steal it - once they stepped into the maze, library caught fire. They had to run, while escaping minotaur, to the center to be able to safe at least some knowledge. Dorn was quick enough and saved few parchments, which revelead some knowledge about Morvok, which could serve as a lead for where to look for information about him.
  • Morvok was running for Archmage title in Numeria, but was denied because of his immoral experiments.
  • Morvok mentioned several events which took place around 200 years in past, which means he lived for several centuries.
They've also found hidden floor where the Place of Power was. Darian attempted to draw its power, which summoned strong Weave elemental, which couldn't be harm and must been drained as it was manifestation of Weave energy only. On the same floor they also found one, smaller golem harvesting small farm of mushroom, probably for creation of potions. Morvok had a system how to teleport harvested resources to other places. They have decided to not destroy the farm or interupt the process.  

Ameeran's Tavern

Very popular place in local Underdark as it serves as safehaven. Ameeran's Tavern was adventurers next stop as they spotted it on their travels through Underdark, searching for their friend Gimmun, who got last on the Drow ambush several days ago. They found it and Dorn rembered he once heard about this Tavern, owned by Dao Ameeran. They've entered and met very interesting characters in it. They've also decided to play knowledge-based game, quizz, which they managed to win some money form. They also joined Ameeran unique game, where each player gets two words and the other players must find out what their words are. They've managed to win pretty amount of gold from these games. They've heard Duergar talk about some other Duergar they found by the river and decided to save him and bring him to Ramadûn. Adventurers decided to talk with the most interesting characters in the tavern and were quite suprise by three of them. They've seemed they are way above them, way more powerful. They've found out that the Drow elf, called himself Void Walker as he already forgotten his name through Void powers, was willing servant of Void, not braindead creature. He was also still humanoid as far as they could tell, but he had some deep connection to Void. Against him, so called The Frost Bringer, lady carrying sword which seemed as piece of ice itself, also called The Frost Bringer, wearing The Ring of Winter itself, serving Goddess Skaldi and Queen of Winter. The Frost Bringer was accompanied by The Last Blade, wizard-warrior. The Frost Bringer was however very suspicious of them as she saw Kai wearing belt from Void. She informed her that nothing from Void is free and she should get rid of it as soon as she can. Kai decided to get rid of it. The Frost Bringer helped her as when she took it off, she found herself in Void with large snake around her. Then The Frost Bringer appeared and shattered it into small snowflakes. They've found out that The Frost Bringer and The Last Blade are in Ameeran tavern for one purpose - to kill Void Walker. They've found some clues about him on their ways through Underdark as they were looking for some special, very rare artifacts - two intertwined rings. The adventurers promised to help against Void Walker, they all left the tavern after a while.  

Ice against Void

Void Walker stand against them and all except Dorn decided to join in. When Ameeran saw this, he teleported the entire tavern to safety for a while. They gave each other several minutes to prepare for the combat. Void Walker started openning some large purple portal to no-where. They the fight begun, all except Dorn and Amelia were teleported to something that appeared as Void in their dreams. They started to feel the presence of something way bigger then them. However the fight didn't took long as Void Walker attacked The Frost Bringer and as siluette from the background tried to finish her, she teleported them all out, without Void Walker. She was however hurt by his corrupted blade and she was forced to freeze part of her body to prevent death. She then showed them, they also own one Timestone. However, their was no longer working as their third member died and the Timestone never choose replacement. They also told them, there were 4 in total when they received theirs and they also get into the place by White Tiefling. Before departure, The Frost Bringer gave Kai parchment she managed to stole to the Void Walker as he attacked her, it spoke about Ruins of Azakam and as there should be beginning of something. She asked Kai to take care of it as thanks to her Goddess for helping her with her belt. The group accepted and said goodbye to each other.


After all of this, they've returned to the Tavern, which teleported back after few minutes. They told him what happened and talked to other people in the tavern. They talked with five knights which called themself The Emberknights. It was five, almost identical knights except one was in blue armor. They find out they serve to the new religion - The Faith of the People and each of them represents one of the gods. They offered them friendly sparring and adventurers accepted. It was tough fight but The Emberknights blinded and deafened Dorn and as they were almost dead, the combat should end, however Dorn didn't stop his concentration on spell and burned them to death. This accident turned even worse when instead of dying body only what remained was ash. Dorn asked The Mother for forgivence and felt her mercy and forgiveness to reach him. The next day on their way to Azakam, they met robot, who claimed to be warforged and for 50 golds per day they hired him.  

Ruins of Azakam

After several days, they've reached Azakam. Old ruins of Duergar city. Place from which Khazdulbar family comes from. They've learnt the lore of the city and why it fall. They tried to scavange some loot and they did. They also found Mind Flayer looking for some infernal staff, which they found, gave to the Mind Flayer and when he revelaed what the staff does, they killed him and returned the staff to the Nine Hells. Then they decided to enter the mines. They also found Infernal Contract in the main house of the Azakam.  

Abadonned Mine Shaft

They've find several oozes, kobolds and deep down, lair of Adult Deep Dragon. They've learnt from kobolds that the dragon has some two purple rings - exactly what they were looking for. They knew they can't beat the dragon, especially not in his lair, this was too much for them. So Dorn and Darian created a plan to sneak and steal it. They climbed through spells on the ceiling and pulled Dorn lower and lower, then he managed to swap the rings for some random rings he had. It could be amazingly clean job, they could have what they came for.. but the Dragon's hoard, gems and golds.. and the magic items.. took the best of them. They decided to continue stealing. Even this went great. But then Dorn saw some magical robes below the Dragon's head. This woke up the Dragon and slaughter started. They tried to get out of the lair and to the tighter places of the mine shaft. Darian was knocked out and Amelia had to run over 300 feet with him on his back, with dragon behind them. She wouldn't make it so she hide inside the Pocket-rest ball - yet she was bitten and almost died inside the ball. Amelia and Darian rested for 3 days inside the Pocket-rest ball while the rest awaited their return in Azakam. They managed to sneak out of the dragon lair, where the ball rolled over but decided to throw some torch to the dragon's lair. This caused explosion and the dragon was furious. This was too much for him. He flew out of his lair, hurting himself as the tight space was too tight for him but decided someone will die today. They've tried to destroy shafts, crumble ceilings, but the dragon get through it anway. They've tried to hide in Azakam, but dragon found them and almost killed Darian as he jumped in the well, where Amelia gave him spells so he could breath under the water. Azakam was already ruins but after this, it was covered in spores, completely obliterated. All managed, with incredible luck, survive. After regroupping they've decided now is the time to go to Ramadûn.


Start: 2nd of Crusae 
End: 15th of Crusae
-Morvok Warehouse Tower
-Ameeran's Tavern
-The Emberknights
-The Frost Bringer
-The Void Walker
-The Last Blade
-Adult Deep Dragon on his gold hoard
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Report Date
13 Jan 2024
Secondary Location

This article has no secrets.


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