Session XIV: Lolth's Game & Mithrilnar

General Summary

Drow Games

After being smuggled to Xyndra'Kul, they woke up in the Arena. This activity was named Drow Games, where 100 participants is thrown into Zurkwood Forest. They managed to survive and other prisoners died either by their hand or by arena effects. They had a deal with Targaran to hide escape hatch with key to the arena - they managed to find it, but it was close call to find all their items.  


After their managed to escape from Drow Games, they sneaked to main temple, where they stole Mithrilnar and man known as The Spider appeared. He allowed them to leave with it, even helped them by causing chaos in the city.   After their escape from Xyndra'Kul, they traveled to Bergatt only to find it in ruins after purge where Khazdulbar family took over and murdered all from Rama'kaz, except Borygen's mother. They found that some people are still loyal to Rama'kaz family and hide their stuff so they were able to retrieve them. Borygen swear revenge to Mithrilnar when his ancestor appeared to approve of his dedication.  

White Tiefling

On their way to Ameeran's Tavern, they met Ssassothian army, led by White Tiefling. They spoke to him, only to find out that he didn't intentionaly send them to their journey. He don't knoww hy that happened or why that happened in the past and told them about multiple occasions and that he sent all four of the groups to the Astral Plane.    He also mentioned that one of the groups is dead as he slain them the second time in Plane of Water.


Start: 22th of Crusae End: 5th of Duala
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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