Xyndra'Kul (ZEEN-drah-KOOL)

Xyndra'Kul is a well hidden underground city of Drow Elves. The access to the city is difficult due to intricate labyrinths and seemingly hopeless chasms that form the walls around the city. The entrance gate to Xyndra'Kul is a massive stone arch adorned with various dark symbols and runes, it is said that those runes protect the city against invaders.   City is also well known for their famous prison - Mae'loth Dhaer


Xyndra'Kul is ruled by an uncompromising ruling class known as the "Shadow Tribunal." This tribunal consists of the most powerful and ruthless Drows who govern the city with an iron fist. The majority of the city's inhabitants are slaves and criminals who have been imprisoned and forced to work for the city.


Absolute monarchy, as Sylvara Ithilgorth rules this city by iron hand.


Tunnel Network

Xyndra'Kul's infrastructure consits of a vast and intricate network of tunnels and passages that connect various parts of the city.  These tunnels serve as main thoroughfares for the city's inhabitants to move around, and they are designed to be easily defended in times of conflict.

Harsh Conditions

The architecture of Xyndra'Kul is built to withstand the harsh conditions of the Underdark and showcase the Duergarian mastery of craftmanship as Drow elves aren't that gifted. Structures are primarily made from dark, sturdy stone and metals like obsidian and mithril, giving the city a majestic yet ominous appearance.  


The city contains a mix of grandiose estates owned by the ruling class and more modest dwellings for the common citizens.  Some residences are carved directly into the stone walls, while others are constructed using darkwoods found in the Underdark or wood created from mushrooms.  


Being a city of intrigue and power struggles, Xyndra'Kul is fortified with various defense mechanisms.  This includes hidden traps, magical wards, and guards patrolling the tunnels to prevent intruders.  

Public Spaces

The city feature public areas such as grand plazas, temples to Lolth, and marketplaces where traders from various Drow communities and other Underdark races come to exchange goods.  

Slave Quarters

Given the Drow's penchant for slavery, there are designated areas for keeping slaves and prisoners.  These quarters are grim and oppressive, fitting the dark nature of the city.

Points of interest


Pronounced 'goh-loo-GLOTH', meaining Shadowspire.   This towering obsidian structure is the centerpiece of Xyndra'Kul, serving as the residence and stronghold of the city's ruler. It's an ancient spire adorned with dark eldritch runes and guarded by powerful enchantments.  

Thalindor Terethmal

Pronounced 'thah-lin-dor teh-reth-mahl', meaning The Veiled Bazaar.   Located in the heart of the city, this market teems with activity.  Drow merchants and traders, along with representatives from other Underdark races, gather here to sell rare and exotic goods, including enchanted weapons, rare alchemical components, and peculiar artifacts.    

Zur'thulak Morak

Pronounced 'zur-THOO-lak MOH-rak', meaning The Pit of Torment. A massive underground arena where brutal gladiatorial battles take place.  Drow nobles and spectators from all over the city come to witness these deadly contests.  The arena also hosts public executions and serves as a place to display the power of the city's rulers.     

Vezhark Mor'nyth

A mysterious temple dedicated to Lolth, the Spider Queen, and other dark deities.  Inside, a mystical artifact also known as Chalice of Shadows is said to provide anyone who drinks from it by travel to other planes - planes not known to others yet. However, those who drink from it risk madness or becoming puppets in the hands of sinister forces.


The city is built of black stone and silvery metals, creating a cold and ominous atmosphere. The structures are adorned with dark statues and symbols that worship dark gods and demons, among others also their goddess Lolth. The streets are narrow and cramped, and light is scarce, giving the city a gloomy and mysterious ambiance.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Nethra'Zar ( meaning "Dark Veil" )
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Xyndra'Kulians or Xyndra'Kulites
Related Reports (Primary)


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