Session XXII: The Para-Elemental Plane of Ice

General Summary

Temple of Death

First of all, they've visited the Temple of Death - and met on their journey skeleton traveler who claimed he also wants to visit the Temple of Death so they decided to travel together.
They found old masks that hides your face from the Death as part of rituals, found library with several books: Then they've found few thousand sand soldiers that stood and stabbed each one of them until they were on the verge of death - then they let them pass.
And in the end they had to fight through their own copies of shadows, which almost killed them all - but they managed to beat them and open the Vault - it contained the corpse of Thal'dor Hastati II - the First Emperor, Bringer of Sundering.
Their mysterious companion was finally put to rest as they released soul of The First Emperor. Darian also found blade from scythe in the grave, probably from Scythe that belonged to the Death.  

Para-Elemental Plane of Ice

Eso Dies found in their castle chest from their friend Spider that contained magical crystal of condensated ice so much, when heated even by just touching it, it transports everyone in surrounding to Para-Elemental Plane of Ice. Adventurers made their preparations to visit the plane and teleported there.
They were on the endless planes of ice and saw large mountain, which was Mountain of Ultimate Winter, where no one who isn't native to this plane can survive more than few minutes, more durable can live up to hour. They've made their travel and saw some monsters and inhabitants what lives in this plane such as gargantuan dragons, ice-purple worms, penguins and some more.
They had to escape to ice-purple worm and trasported themself as cloud to the Mountain where they decided to rest for a while. In the morning they met some woman covered in ice, who offered them help if they help them with beating Cryonax - the Prince of Evil cold creatures and Archomental. Cryonax was powerful being that ruled Para-Emenetal Plane of Ice for long, long time.
They've met the Albrathanilar - main opponent of Cryonax, Great White Wyrm, who united white dragons, ice mephits and immoths whom all opposed Cryonax's rule. They were able to defeat his army of archons, frost giants and mostly ice para-elementals, but the fight itself against Cryonax was for them nearly impossible due to shared cold-immunities, but Cryonax could bypass it. This is why Albrathanilar asked adventurers for help, she needed them to beat Cryonax, with help of her dragons or at least, weaken him. They've accepted in exchange for the Void Rings, they get them from Immoths.
They've mounted the dragons and fly on them to the battle in blizzard. They've jumped on the peak of the Chiseled Estate, which was Cryonax's Fortress and started fight him. It was tough fight, but with the dedication and help of their Dragon allies, they've managed to weaken him enough, so that Albrathanilar could freeze him in place, imprisoning him for a long, long time.
As a thank you, she gave them Mark of Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, which allowed them to survive here easier and also gave them Frostfell Ring, which allowed them to be transported into this plane, right into the Chiseled Estate, which will be new lair of Albrathanilar.
They've also met on this plane member of Alliance of Three Nations, which fights against Void.  


After their visit to Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, they've decided to check out the Alliance. They've teleported to Trendor - capital city of Unliar, one of many Elects of the Republic, most advance city and also headquarters for the Alliance.
They've explored the city, visited inn that looked like tower, discovered new technologies that were completely insane for them as Al'takar and Underdark is far behind Unliar and especially behind Trendor. 
They've visited the Alliance of Three Nations and tried to find out what does it take to be member and what they offer. They considered their proposal, met with the Frostbringer - which they met before in Ameeran's Tavern in Underdark before fight with Voidwalker. 
Later they decided to decline the offer joining the Alliance, at least for now. 
But before they've left, adventurers found out that other Para-Elemental planes doesn't have the Void Rings in them anymore - Alliance found them and put them in their vault for experiments.
Adventurers also arranged meeting with the Spider and he appeared as multi-colored shade of himself with mutated voice and spoke with them for about ten minutes, he told them that they must decide as time runs short. It is either their personal journeys or try to hunt as many Void Rings as possible before its too late. Spider also told them that Void RIngs are supposed to give those who have them some kind of "advantage" when the real race begins.


Start: 19th of Etonit 
End: 2nd of Ephelot
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
13 Apr 2024


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