Session XXIX: Shar Heist

General Summary


The adventurers woke up in Ythryn and started to explore Ythryn and its merchants. They visited cathedral of Myrkul, some lich merchants that offered them potions and Dorn created his first undead - Warhorse. Then they visited stables and saw black dragon that belonged to some bone-knight. They also tried to gather more information about the scroll they are trying to steal. 


After some time spending reseaching and tryign to gather as much information possible, they've contacted Spider and asked for help. He send them Madzog, who flew to them on his black wyvern and for 5.000gp gave them consultation and ideas what to be careful about, what traps and magical wards could be there. They started preparations based on his hints and experience. They've spent 15 days preparing, teleporting and visiting other nations as well as returning to Kara just to get everything they needed. Then the day of the heist came.

The Heist

They've walked through the walls of Shar's temple and started to walk through its prison layer, through Shadowfell, where Kai saw vision of Shar herself and then to second layer where they had to fight of adult red shadow dragon. Just to get here it required insane amount of spells and utilities to survive all of these traps and just finding the path was exhausting. After they slain the dragon, they got to the last layer, where Sharran priestess were guarding, they managed to teleport behind them and get to the main part where the relics and scrolls were stored. However,  this was the time when Sharran priestess noticed something is off and started to called to arms other Sharrans. They managed to teleport and run through the tower with relics, finding all four scrolls and Amelia's soul-shard. They quickly teleported close to each other as possible and recalled to Venoth'ziscah.

However, some magical ward showed Sharran the location of the Scroll and no longer than few minutes and Sharrans teleported to Venoth'ziscah to search for adventurers. They managed to hide in some cellar of magic merchant and get second breath. After that, they teleported to Kara, so they are safe against the reach of Sharrans. 

They tried to find some solution how to recognize the real scroll and bought Legend Lore spells that told them which one is real. The Legend Lore told them:
Běda poutníkovi, který tento svitek rozvine s nečistým srdcem, neboť glyfy na něm se rozhoří oslepujícím světlem, které oslepí nehodné. Jen pravý poutník plání, ten, kdo zasvětil svůj život rovnováze všech rovin, může odemknout skutečný potenciál svitku. S řádnou inkantací pronesenou pevným a jistým hlasem se odhalí cesty k elementálním rovinám a říším dobra a zla. Tento svitek, psaný v úsvitu zrodu magie, je jedním ze tří; každý je klíčem k vesmíru, průvodcem pro ty, kteří hledají nekonečné obzory za svou vlastní rovinou.
Dorn opened the scroll and figured out it is way larger that it appears to be. He will have to study it for 30 days, so he decided to stay at Kara where his mind is at peace and start studying it.

Darian & Nine Hells

Meaning the rest of the party travelled to Underdark and Nine Hells through Bazrek Nithil to reach Dis. They travelled through Dis to reach river Styx where Darian could forge handle of his scythe from the material he found in Shadowfell. However, this wasn't enough, he forged the blade, creating glorious amber-looking handle, but the scythe was still rusty and unusable. He had to be somewhere else. So they travelled to Material Plane and then to Temple of Death, where he could finally embrace his destiny. 

Dorn & Scroll of First People

Dorn spent 30 days studying the scroll and finally understood his meaning, it was scroll that explained to the user more about Planes, Plannar travelling and whats the place of magic in this equation. It was one scroll from one collection. This one focusing on Planes. Even when holding just one scroll, Dorn's body had to accomodate to accept this new immense knowledge of each plane.


After their were all together after this time, they decided to meet at the castle and talk to Spider. He made a deal with them that if they bring him the Void Warrior that they already seen alive, he will give them 400.000gp. He paid in advance in promise that if they fail, they will return him this amount in full. He also answered some of their questions and left.


Start: 1st of Sydesar 317 SE 
End: 7th of Hosur 317 SE
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Godren Kataro
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Report Date
19 May 2024


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