
The Azure Lantern

A quaint teahouse known for its magical brews that can temporarily enhance magical abilities. The atmosphere is serene, with soft, glowing blue lanterns. It's haven for mages and scholars, its in the hearth of the city and walls of this building are adorned with ancient runes and symbols.
  • There is hidden chamber behind the main area, accessible to only those who known Arcane Knock variant to unlock these doors.
  • Signature Tea - The Prophet's Blend, a rare tea that temporarily sharpens one's foresight, allowingglimpses of potential futures.
  • Event - On full moon, there is Mystical Brew Night, where patrons can sample experimental teas.
  • Rumor - There is secret menu of teas that can grant extraordinary abilities, alter memeories or even transport the drinker's consciousness to different realms.

The Whispering Tomes

An old, sprawling bookstore filled with rare magical texts and scrolls. Some books are rumored to contain secrets of forgotten spells. Its in quieter part of the city and its labyrinthine repository of knowledge.
  • Specialized - It's focused on rare and arcane texts, some are sentient
  • Managed - It's managed by elder mage librarian that is of mysterious nature
  • Unique Books - There is secret archive that is accessible only to those who can solve a magical riddle that changes daily.
      Nemluvím, ale přesto řeknu vše. Nechodím, ale cestuji světem. Nejsem živý, ale mohu inspirovat život. Co jsem ?
      -KnihaMám klíč, ale neotevřu žádné zámky. Zpívám písně bez slov. Den za dnem, noc za nocí, v každém domě jsem jiný. Co jsem?
      -PianoNarodím se ve vodě, žiji v ohni, umírám ve vzduchu. Když mě uchopíš, zmizím. Co jsem?
  • Popular Book ,,Echoes of the Eldrich" - a collection of writings on ancient and forbidden magic. It travels in the store randomly.
  • Event - From time to time it hosts gatherings where famous mages and scholas discuss magical theories and share stories of mystical adventures
  • Rumor - There is secret pocket dimension where most valuable books are kept
  • Special Book -Magic for Dummies: The Essentials of Looking Magical

Ethereal Echoes

A music shop specializing in enchanted instruments that produce otherworldly sounds. The shop is a favorite among Soundmancers and Bards.
They want complete edition of Zira - City of Flowers ( 1 - 4 ) and will pay 1.000gp for it.
  • Soundproof room where customers can try out instruments
  • Special Instrument ,,The Siren's Harp" - can mesmerize those who hear its melody.
  • Event - First day of the month hosts ,,Night of Melodies" where musicians of all skill levels come together to perform.
  • Rumor - Owner has secret instrument known as ,,The Echo of Eternity", which is capable of summoning ethereal creatures or open portals to other realms.

Crystal Visions

A divination shop where seers and prophets offer readings using crystal balls, tarot cards, and other mystical methods.
  • Seeing - Ancient large crystal ball at the center of the shop. Anyone with a gift of seeing can see something once per lifetime.
  • Special Service - Star Alignment Reading - they provide guidance and predictions for 50 gp.
  • Event - They organize ,,Festival of Fates" during each new moon. Patrons can receive mini-readings and learn about different divinations methods.
  • Rumor - The owner posses a rare artifact known as the Mirror of Truth, which reveals deepest secrets and desires of anyone who looks into it.

Rune & Relic

A shop filled with ancient artifacts and rune-inscribed items. Collectors and adventurers frequent it for unique magical items.
  • They offer inscription with small enchantments or protective magic on magical items.
  • Amulet of Ages - legendary item said to be capable of bending the flow of time around the wearer.
  • Event - Once a month, Rune & Relic hosts an ,,Antique Arcaca" event where adventurers and travelers bring their own found relics for appraisal and exchange.
  • Rumor - There is a hidden vault containing extremely powerful and forbidden artifacts. Access to this vault is heavily restricted and only a few know the truth.

The Spirit's Rest

A tranquil inn that provides restful sleep and pleasant dreams, rumored to be due to a mild enchantment on the rooms.
  • Unique Drink: Dreamweaver's Delight - herbal tea, fast sleep and vivid dreams
  • Unique Feature: Enchanted Rooms with restorative properties of spell and protection. Night here restores 1 Health. 50gp / night.

Mystic's Brew

A popular tavern where patrons can enjoy magically-infused drinks. The tavern often hosts magical performances and gatherings.
  • Unique Drink: Arcanist's Ale - multicolored ale, boosts magical perception
  • Unique Feature: Magical Stage - performers can use enhanced illusory magic for their show

Elixir Emporium

A potion shop stocked with a wide array of potions, from healing elixirs to transformative brews. The shop is fragrant with a mix of herbs and magical essences.
  • Unique Drink: Chameleon Concoction, potion that changes color and flavor based on the drinker's mood.
  • Unique Feature: Potion Customization Station - customers can add specific ingredients to potions under the guidance of an expert potion master

The Enchanted Garden

A public garden where magical and mundane plants are grown. It's a peaceful spot for contemplation and study.
  • Unique Feature: Whispering Willow - magical tree in the center of the garden that whispers ancient botanical knowledge and secrets


This city is small center for mages, prophets and seers. Many old mages find their home in this city.


Venoth'ziscah is run as absolute rule of Qadi's. That means whatever Qadi says its true. Qadi is also considered a judge so any statement he makes is automatically law, except if it contradicts rule of anyone higher than Qadi himself, for example Emperor, Vezir or Amir.


There is many buildings with intricate carvings, domes and towering minarets. Magical elements like floating platforms or enchanted lights are common.
The city have magical means of transportation, such as enchanted carpets or teleportation circles. Traditional methods like horse-drawn carriages and well-maintained footpaths is also present.
Vibrant marketplaces selling magical artifacts, spices, textiles, and exotic goods. Public gardens or courtyards where magical and mundane plants are grown, often used for gatherings and social events. Almost every spell below 5th level is available for gold.


Year -2136 (Foundation): 

Venoth'ziscah was established near the Breathing Mountains, initially as a small settlement for mages and seers drawn to the area's unique magical energies.  

Years -2000 to -1800 (Early Growth):

The city expanded as it became known as a center for magical study and divination. The construction of the temple Sslythavians marked this era, solidifying its spiritual and magical significance.  

Year -1500 (Magical Discovery): 

Discovery of a powerful magical source within the Breathing Mountains, leading to a surge in magical research and development.  

Year -1000 (Golden Age):

Venoth'ziscah experienced a golden age of prosperity, becoming a hub for scholars, mages, and traders from distant lands.  

Year -800 (Conflict and Strife): 

The city faced internal conflicts, possibly related to struggles for power among different magical factions.  

Year -200 (Cultural Renaissance): 

A renaissance of arts, culture, and magic, with the establishment of several schools and academies.

Points of interest

There are guilds of magical understandings and each of them focuses on different part.  

Guild of Chronomancers

This school focuses on manipulation with time and temporal energies. They teach mastery over spells such as Slow, Haste, Expeditious Retreat.
This guild has scroll of Time Stop (9th) and Time Travel (9th) as their triumphal spells.
All Spells  

Guild of Astromancy

This school focuses on harnessing the power of celestial bodies and constellations. Mastery over this school allows:
  • Travelling Comet. When the caster casts a spell with a range of 5 feet or greater, the range can be doubled. If the spell deals damage, it can be changed to radiant.
  • Constellation. Based on the current month the other schools of magic gain special empowerments.

Guild of Spiritualism

Communication and interaction with spirits.
Spirit Communication
Spiritualists can speak with spirits, receiving messages, guidance, or warnings. This communication is often done through séances, meditation, or rituals.
Ethereal Sight
Gain the ability to see and interact with spirits and ethereal entities that are invisible to others. This could include seeing the true spiritual form of a person or creature.

They teach spells such as Whispering Winds, Spectral Insight, Soul Mend, Spirit Pact, Ancestor's Counsel, Spiritual Steed, Fragment Recall, Resonant Echo.  

Guild of Ferromancers

School focused on manipulation with objects from metals.
They are focused on bringing new spells, highly supported by The Rebellion because of their use in warfare.

All Spells  

Guild of Psychomancy and Soundmancy

These two schools are focused on magic influencing mind and thoughts as well as the use of sound and vibrations for various magical purposes.
This guild teaches mastery over spells such as Detect Thoughts, Charm Person, Modify Memory, Shatter, Silence.
However they also teach their own spells such as: Mind Shield, Thought Echo, Mental Mirage, Psychic Beacon, Sonic Shield, Echo Location, Harmonic Heal, Resonant Blast.
Ferromancy book costs 15.000gp to take away or 100gp / week per study.
-Farid, owner of The Azure Lantern
-Idris, owner of The Whispering Tomes
-Jamil, owner of Ethereal Echoes
-Leila, owner of Crystal Visions
-Fatima, owner of Rule & Relic
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Prophets
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)


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