
Sumuholt, the "Mist Wood," is a vast, primordial forest that dominates the northern reaches of the Thanedom of Järvimaa. Its dense canopy of ancient pines and firs is perpetually shrouded in a thick, otherworldly mist that seems to have a life of its own. The forest floor is a treacherous maze of gnarled roots, hidden bogs, and moss-covered stones, making navigation challenging even for experienced woodsmen. 
Stretching along the southern foothills of the Cursed Mountains, Sumuholt's terrain varies from relatively flat in the south to increasingly rugged and mountainous in the north. Numerous streams and small rivers, fed by mountain snowmelt, crisscross the forest, often disappearing into misty ravines. 
Despite the dangers, some hardy individuals make their homes on the fringes of the forest:
  • Woodcutters and trappers, who brave the dangers for valuable resources
  • Hermits and druids, seeking solitude or communion with primal forces
  • Monster hunters, using the forest as a training ground and hunting territory

Notable Locations

  • The Whispering Caves, A network of caverns known for their unusual acoustics, often used as lairs by trolls and other creatures
  • The Giant's Graveyard, An area strewn with massive bones, said to be from an ancient battle between giants
  • The Mist Druid's Grove. A hidden sanctuary where druids commune with the forest's spirits
  • The Troll King's Throne. A massive, moss-covered stone seat where the legendary Troll King is said to hold court

Fauna & Flora

The forest is home to a variety of hardy plants and animals adapted to its harsh conditions. However, the proximity to the Cursed Mountains has led to the emergence of twisted, monstrous versions of normal wildlife. Massive dire wolves, cave bears, and monstrous insects are common sights. 

Sumuholt is infamous for its population of dangerous monsters, primarily giants and trolls that have migrated from the Cursed Mountains. These creatures have made the misty forest their hunting ground, posing a constant threat to travelers and nearby settlements.
  • Frost Giants. Often seen in the northern parts, closer to the mountains
  • Trolls. Lurking in the densest parts of the forest, using the mist for ambushes
  • Ettins. Two-headed giants that roam the forest in small groups
  • Hags. Magical crones who make their lairs in the deepest, darkest parts of Sumuholt

Natural Resources

  • Timber. The forest's massive trees are prized for shipbuilding
  • Rare herbs. Unique plants with magical properties grow in the misty environment
  • Monster components. Parts from slain creatures are valuable for alchemy and enchanting
Approximatelly 5.800 square miles
Alternative Name(s)
Mist Wood
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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