
Susihohto, known as the "Wolf's Howl Forest" is a vast and mysterious woodland that stretches across approximately 1,351 square miles (3,500 square kilometers) in the Frostwild of Villitunturi. This ancient forest encircles one of the largest lakes in The North, which extends beyond the borders into the Kingdom of Myredonia.   


  • Dense, primeval forest with a mix of towering evergreens and hardy deciduous trees
  • Numerous streams and rivers feeding into the great lake
  • Rolling hills and deep, mist-filled valleys

Unique Characteristics

  • Frequent aurora borealis displays that seem to dance among the treetops
  • Bioluminescent fungi that glow in shades of blue and green at night
  • Unexplained areas where compasses fail and magic behaves unpredictably

Cultural Significance

  • Sacred groves used by druids and shamans for rituals and communion with nature spirits
  • Traditional hunting grounds for the people of Villitunturi
  • Site of the annual "Wolf's Moon" festival, celebrating the winter solstice

Notable Locations

  • The Howling Stones: A circle of ancient monoliths where the winds create eerie, wolf-like howls
  • The Misty Vale: A deep valley perpetually shrouded in mist, said to be a gateway to the spirit world
  • The Frozen Waterfall: A massive, perpetually frozen waterfall that glows with an inner blue light

Local Beliefs

  • Many believe the forest is protected by an ancient spirit that takes the form of a giant white wolf
  • Some claim to have seen ghostly figures moving through the trees on moonlit nights
  • The lake is said to have its own consciousness, sometimes aiding lost travelers and other times leading them astray

Fauna & Flora

  • Ancient, gnarled trees with bark said to have magical properties
  • Dire wolves and other oversized predators
  • Rare frost-resistant plants with potent alchemical uses
  • Rumors of ice elementals and other magical beings dwelling in the deepest parts of the forest

Natural Resources

  • High-quality timber prized for shipbuilding and magical crafting
  • Unique herbs and plants used in potent potions and remedies
  • Pelts from rare arctic animals
Approximately 1,300 square miles
Alternative Name(s)
Wolf's Howl Forest
Owning Organization


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