Frostwild of Villitunturi

The Frostwild of Villitunturi, known as the "Savage Fells," is the most untamed and anarchic region of the Cursed Mountains in The North. Unlike other Frostwilds with established leadership, Villitunturi is a true wilderness where only the strongest survive and no single entity holds sway over the entire territory.  


  • Rugged, lower-altitude mountains compared to Jäähuiput
  • Dense, primeval forests on the lower slopes
  • Hidden valleys and plateaus
  • Numerous caves and tunnel systems


  • Various giant clans, often in conflict with each other
  • Diverse monster populations, including trolls, ogres, and wyverns
  • Barbaric tribes
  • Exiles and outlaws from other regions

Notable Location

  • The Lawless Market. A neutral trading ground where different factions meet to barter and exchange information
  • The Bloodmist Valley. A fog-filled lowland known for its high concentration of predatory beasts
  • The Shattered Peak. A mountain destroyed by an ancient battle, now a labyrinth of tunnels and caves

Unique Features

  • Chaotic magical anomalies that randomly appear and disappear
  • Areas where the laws of nature seem to break down, defying logic and physics
  • Ancient ruins of long-forgotten civilizations, some predating giant settlements
31,000 square miles 
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Savage Fells
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Articles under Frostwild of Villitunturi


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