The Jäänharja Falls

The Jäänharja Falls, or "Ice Mane Falls," is a majestic waterfall that cascades from the heights of Taikametsä directly into Lake Korpijärvi. Standing at an impressive 800 feet tall, it's one of the highest waterfalls in The North. The falls get their name from the distinctive ice formations that form along its edges during winter, resembling a great mane. Local traditions involve making wishes on midsummer's eve by throwing carved wooden tokens into the falls. The falls are considered a symbol of Järvimaa's enduring strength and natural beauty.  

Seasonal Change

  • Spring: The falls are at their most powerful, swollen with melting snow from the mountains
  • Summer: A popular spot for brave cliff divers and tourists
  • Autumn: The surrounding forest's changing colors create a breathtaking backdrop
  • Winter: Much of the falls freezes, creating an otherworldly landscape of ice and snow. In winter, massive ice columns form along the sides of the falls, creating a stunning natural ice sculpture.
Alternative Name(s)
Ice Mane Falls
Location under


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