The Rimespire Range


The Rimespire Range is a formidable mountain chain stretching across 2,300 square kilometers. It's characterized by jagged, snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, and numerous glaciers. The highest peak, Mount Aetherspire, reaches over 15,000 feet. The range features a complex network of caves and tunnels, both natural and artificially created. Unique to these mountains are the visible veins of blue magical energy that run through the rock, especially prominent at higher altitudes.

Fauna & Flora

  • Frostfire Lichen. A bioluminescent plant that thrives on rock faces
  • Mageroot. A hardy shrub with potent magical properties
  • Whispering Pines. Trees that absorb and emit magical energies
  • Crystal Bloom. Flowers that grow in geodes, visible only under moonlight
  • Rimefang Wolves. Magical wolves with ice-infused fur
  • Thunderscale Drakes. Small, lightning-breathing draconic creatures
  • Echoing Rams. Mountain goats that can project illusory duplicates of themselves
  • Mistweave Spiders. Arachnids that spin webs of semifluid ice

Natural Resources

  • Aetherfrost Ore. A unique metal that enhances cold-based magic
  • Whispercrystal. Crystals that naturally store and amplify sound-based spells
  • Heartstone. A rare, magically reactive gemstone found in the deepest caves
  • Stormpeak Springs. Sources of water imbued with weather-manipulation properties
Approximately 2.300 square miles
Alternative Name(s)
The Frostward Sentinels
Mountain Range
Owning Organization


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