Spellward of Frostpeak Haven

The Spellward of Frostpeak Haven is a land of stark beauty and magical resilience. Its inhabitants have adapted to the harsh climate by developing a unique branch of magic that intertwines with the natural cold. The region is known for its Frost Mage Academy, where students learn to manipulate ice and snow with unprecedented precision.
The coastal areas are home to a thriving magical fishing industry, where mages use their powers to locate schools of fish beneath the ice and to keep the waters open for boats. In the mountains, dwarven and goliath communities work together to mine magical ores that only form in extreme cold.
The forests of Frostpeak Haven are a wonder in themselves, with trees that remain green year-round thanks to ancient druidic magic. These woods are home to unique magical creatures adapted to the cold, including frost phoenixes and ice elementals.
The region's relationship with The North is complex, marked by a mixture of rivalry in magical prowess and cooperation in defending against common threats from the frozen wastes beyond.


  • Emphasis on survival magic and weather control
  • Annual ice sculpture festival featuring magical creations
  • Tradition of magical ice fishing in the frozen coastal waters
  • Reverence for frost giants as ancient magical beings
  • Specialized magical textiles woven with warming enchantments


  • Ice caves containing rare magical crystals
  • Enchanted evergreen forests resistant to extreme cold
  • Coastal waters rich in magical aquatic flora
  • Mountain peaks serving as natural amplifiers for weather magic
  • Unique magical alloys forged using cryomantic techniques

Where Ice and Magic Entwine

Approximately 19,000 square miles
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
The Frozen Arcanum
Parent Organization
Related Species

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