The Whispering Frost Downs


The Whispering Frost Downs cover approximately 800 square miles of rolling hills between the Rimespire Range and the coast. These hills are perpetually covered in snow and often shrouded in a magical mist that seems to whisper arcane secrets. The landscape is dotted with frozen lakes, icy streams, and mysterious stone circles. The terrain is treacherous, with hidden crevasses and unpredictable magical phenomena.

Fauna & Flora

  • Frostharp Grass. Delicate blades that create ethereal music when the wind blows
  • Whisperweed. Plants that repeat snippets of conversations heard nearby
  • Glimmerroot. Bioluminescent tubers that grow in spiral patterns
  • Mistcloak Shrubs. Bushes that generate concealing mists
  • Echomist Hares. Rabbits that can project illusory duplicates of themselves
  • Whispering Wraiths. Ethereal, harmless spirits that share cryptic magical knowledge
  • Frostfur Foxes. Foxes with ice-crystal fur that can freeze small objects with their touch
  • Riddling Rams. Mountain goats known for posing magical riddles to travelers

Natural Resources

  • Whispering Ice. Frozen water that retains and occasionally repeats sounds it has heard
  • Mistweave Fibers. Collected from certain plants. used in creating invisibility cloaks
  • Frostfire Crystals. Gems that burn with intense cold instead of heat
  • Enigma Springs. Sources of water with unpredictable magical properties
Alternative Name(s)
The Murmuring Moors
Mountain / Hill
Owning Organization


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