
Alquanar is an ancient snake priestess of the Order of the Moon. She sings in the halls of the Invisible Moon Temple that she oversees.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scrapday, Tinkermoon, 1313
The first time Connie Furr died, the razor-div Sweeney advised Lindie Asklepa to seek help from Senior Chaplain Artemin Sandglass of Elderton University Chaplaincy. When they arrived, Artemin informed Hugo Dargent and Lindie that he could heal Connie but secretly told Lindie that she must return to settle the debt.   When Lindie returned that evening, the Senior Chaplain gave her a magical lantern to light her pathway on an invisible passageway that took her outside the City Wall, eventually leading to the Invisible Moon Temple. There she met Alquanar, who told her she must trade the life of the Undergazette Editor in exchange for Connie's. Since she lacks the usual aversion towards murder, and since Alquanar was the raddest snake person she had ever met, Lindie needed no convincing to agree to the terms and the deadline: one mooncycle from the current date.   Before leaving, Lindie recorded Alquanar's funerary song on her clockwork snake, Basil's gem.
Ruled Locations