Books Found in the Understacks

Legal Texts

Ahab Ebari's Greater Monster Almanac: Being a Bestiary of Creatures from the Material Plane and Beyond - 4 lbs. Legal to Own, but tricky to explain.
The Arcane Family Workbook of the Creek Clan - 3 lbs. Legal to Own.
A Beginner's Universalist Spellbook - 1 lb. Legal to Own, but could attract suspicion.
Carnegie's Second Tome of Leadership and Influence - 5 lbs. Legal to Own.
The Collected Esoteric Principles of Celestial Guidance - 3 lbs. Legal to Own.
Crime of Passion - 1 lb. Legal to Own, but frowned upon due to same-sex relationship.
A Dictionary of Common to Sphinx - 3 lbs. Legal to Own (if weird).
Froth's Second Manual of Bodily Health - 5 lbs. Legal to Own.
The Grimoire of Infinite Spells - 3 lbs. Uncertain Legality.
Heartbreaking and Entering - 1 lb. Legal to Own, but frowned upon due to same-sex relationship.
Henrick Blueth's Obsession Log of Calligraphy - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
In the Arms of an Angel - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
Knave's Book of Letters - 3 lbs. Legal to Own.
Lentwick's Arcane Chronicle - 1 lb. Not obviously illegal to own, but is very old and if it was found to contain illegal magic could receive a fine.
A Military Elementalist's Handbook - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
Noble Courting - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
Orlando Darksmile: Pick a Card - 1 lb. Legal to Own, but frowned upon due to same-sex relationship. Could get Hugo specifically in trouble with his parents.
Phileus Danforth's Book of Harms - 1 lb. Legal to Own (but kinda gross).
Practicalities of Urban Spelunking: Volume 3 - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
Qu'onan and the Gray Mouser - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
A Summoner's Atlas of the City of Palimpsest - 5 lbs. Legal to Own, but could attract suspicion.
Stolen Words - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
The Threads of Destiny - 2 lbs. Legal to Own.
Wild Conquest - 1 lb. Legal to Own.
Unknown book written in Dwarven - 3lbs. Nothing to indicate it is illegal.

Illegal Texts

Analysing Paradise: A Comparative Exploration of Cultural Depictions of the Garden Beyond Salsabil - 2 lbs. Illegal to own without Stargazer permission - Punishment: Fine.
The Book of Eternal Necromancy - 3 lbs. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Castlereigh's Book of Extended Summoning: Volume 1 - 1 lb. Illegal for non-Honourable Company member to own - Punishment: Banishment or maybe Imprisonment.
The Cry in the Dark - 2 lbs. Illegal - Punishment: Banishment or Imprisonment.
Dido Saint-Germain's Lab Book - 3 lbs. Illegal (contains illegal formulae).
Passages through the Briarpatch - 5 lbs. Illegal - Punishment: Banishment or Imprisonment.
The Prince's Yarns - 1 lb. Illegal - Punishment: Banishment or Imprisonment.
The Travels and Secrets of Murziphale the Magnificent - 4 lbs. Probably illegal, but would need to read it to be sure.
Unknown Tome, possibly with entity sealed inside it. - 2 lbs. Legality depends what is sealed inside the book.
Bone Books
Abjurations Against the Dead - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
All Things Pass Away - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Desert Magics - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
End Times of the Ghouls - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Hali, the Lake of Mist - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Lesser Necromancies - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Rot and Ruin - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.
Zyzygy of Hyades - 1 lb. Extremely Illegal - Punishment: Death.