Brer Crucian Rosa (1259-1280)

Predecessor: Brer Trendafili Rosa (1218-1259)
Successor: Brer Uvedale Rosa (1280-1289)

Brer Crucian Rosa

Crucian Rosa became Brer of the Rose in 1259 almost completely as a fluke. The first in line for the Brership was Curator Pimpinelli Rosa, who died in the Apocalypse of the Unmaking Rage. The Brership line then fell to Brer Trendafili Rosa's great nephew, Curator Vilchenblau Rosa.   However, Vilchenblau died eight years before Trendafili, so the role fell to Crucian, who was the next oldest non-married great nephew.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Brer of the Rose
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1214 1280 66 years old
Other Affiliations