Briar Rose Knight's Blade Item in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Briar Rose Knight's Blade

This silver rose-shaped pendant is a Bramble artifact that was crafted by Martini for Katib Hugo Dargent. Upon activation (with the phrase "Silver Thorn") the pendant transforms into a +1 benevolent mithral rapier.   Along with its benevolence special ability, this sword can also provide aid by metaphorically cutting through certain debilitating effects. Three times per day, Hugo can use the Briar Rose Knight's Blade to attempt a new saving throw against one of the following conditions affecting him: dazed, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, staggered, or stunned - but only if the condition was caused by a mind-affecting effect. Alternatively, he can expend one daily use and touch the blade to an adjacent creature as a standard action to remove one of these mind-affecting conditions from the ally.   Although Hugo could be imprisoned or banished if the Briar Rose Knight's Blade were recognised as a Bramble artifact, Martini has disguised the pendant to blend with his aesthetic as Katib of House Dargent, whose family colour is silver. This allows Hugo a layer of protection when wielding the rapier so he can safely use it as a noble.  

Briar Rose Knight's Blade (Pendant form)
Activation Phrase
"Silver Thorn"
Moderate Abjuration
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
0 lbs. (in pendant form)
1 lb. (in rapier form)
Illegal (if recognised).
Punishment: Probably imprisonment or banishment.