Civil Campaign

For around two decades before the Fall of the City Campaign, Palimpsest was at war with itself. The disagreements between the great Goblinoid families and the then-existing goblin churches (who followed the Pantheon that contained Conscript Hodge, the Walking Wounded) had fallen to violence. The conflict ended because, after the city fell most of the families and churches were destroyed, and there were too few who remained to fight and very little worth fighting over. Although some still tried to fight on, they were eventually overcome by the arrival of Called By Duty, who brought news from the stars that most of the deities in the goblinoid religion were gone. The resultant Peace Campaign, headed by Corporal Palfrey Jackalslicer, brought a temporary end to the fighting, until new enemies appeared in the destruction of the city.   The Civil Campaign was a chaotic time of mismatched records and disjointed accounts, which is particularly uncommon for Hobgoblins, who generally keep better records than most species. According to Seneschal Enfield Kelba, while the impetus for the Civil Campaign remains unclear, everyone who believes in Conscript Hodge, the Walking Wounded is in agreement that the Brass is to blame for the city nearly tearing itself apart.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
Ending Date
Campaign Trophy
Civil Campaign Medal