Gannister Brattice

Vizier Gannister Brattice

7th Dwarven Vizier from an extinct family who was the noble in charge of mining before the human era. There were mines deep under the sands of the city that this Dwarven family owned and were in charge of. Around the middle. One above Richard. Vizier Gannister Brattice. Goblins use coal and metal and aren't known to have a blacksmithing god. So the age of the goblins is when mining was the most lucritive and as the dwarf in charge of the mines, Gannister was the richest of those. After the apocalyse the Brattices had to pour wealth into repairing the mine, meanwhile orcs were able to get their minerals and metals from Termagant, so the Brattices were never as wealthy again and eventually the family petered out.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Vizier of House Brattice
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
182 years old (51 dwarf years)
863 1045 182 years old
Circumstances of Death